Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #15

By lezanch | Lezanch | 28 Nov 2023

Good morning everyone
here I am today with a new update of the crypto portfolio experiment, after about 2 weeks since the last update (due to a work trip I could not find time to write).

First of all, take a look on previous updates:

Crypto Portfolio Experiment

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #1

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #2

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #3

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #4

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #5

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #6

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #7

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #8

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #9

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #10

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #11

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #12

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #13

Crypto Portfolio Experiment - Update #14

Compared to the last update, on Nov. 13, the countervalue of both portfolios has declined sharply, as, indeed, has the entire crypto landscape (with a few exceptions).

Update #15

Let's look at the two portfolios in detail.

Portfolio 1: This wallet, composed of 10 of the top 15 cryptos listed on CMC, sees a drop of about 9%, while still remaining in positive ground, marking, compared to the time of its creation, an increase of +27.03%. Among the cryptos present, SOL continues to remain strong (despite the decline), with a solid +130.4%, more than doubling.

Portfolio 2: The reduction of this wallet roughly mirrors that of the previous one, maintaining a reduction of about 9%, while still maintaining growth from the time of the start of this experiment. Aside from GALA, which excels, the other crytos are on average up and down, but still positive.

Overall, the total value of the expetment is 250.35 Euro, which compared to the initial value of 200.00 Euro, marks a good + 25.16% growth. Compared to previous weeks, this value is decreasing, but, as mentioned earlier, a little bit of the whole crypto universe in recent days is declining.

Thank you for your attention

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Hello Publish0x.. I'm Lezanch (real name Leonardo), 41 years old guy from Italy. Since 10 years old I loved computers, my first one was a personal IBM PS/2 with 20 Mb (yes, 20 Megabytes) of hard disk... Now I spend almost of my working time in front of pc monitors.. so sometimes I loves to read some good and interesting news/post.. now it is also my turn. :-)

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