Bitcoinz News
Bitcoinz News

Bitcoinz News

Important news updates from CNBC, Forbes, CCN, Reliable YouTube channels, and more - all in one place with my views added.

Pool-X, an initiative of KuCoin, doubles staking rewards and introduces soft staking

26 Apr 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

KuCoin continues to innovate to stay relevant in the stiff competition in the Crypto exchange space.  To address the staking aspect of the crypto holdings, KuCoin had started Pool-X. What is Pool-X? "Pool-X is an exchange that provides liquidity for...

"Baby boomers are f*cked" & "Bitcoin and gold could save us," a new report predicts gloomy future

25 Apr 2020 2 minute read 1 comment

Raoul Paul who authored a Global Macro Index report has made the entire 100+ page report public for the first time.  This report is exclusive to his GMI clients but he has made the report public based on the dire situation we are heading toward. He p...

Digital Dollar is inevitable, here is what you can expect

18 Apr 2020 1 minute read 6 comments

Digital Dollar is inevitable. The US government has flirted with the idea in the recent stimulus bill and has now listed concrete plans to issue the Digital Dollar in 2021 with Federally approved digital wallets under the Automatic Boost to Community...

This millionaire has been buying $150,000 per month in Bitcoin and Ethereum

14 Apr 2020 1 minute read 0 comments

Every Bitcoin and Ethereum fan must watch this interview with Niklas Nikolajsen, a bitcoin multi-millionaire, who is buying bitcoin and ethereum every month as part of his 'savings'.  This interview is one of the most eye opening interview for crypto...

Bitcoin Scam Alert: This FAKE Brian Armstrong streaming on scammed 4 Bitcoins (from one stream, and they had multiple running at the time)

6 Apr 2020 1 minute read 1 comment

People are still falling for the 'giveaway' scams in the crypto space.  Every day - scammers are becoming more and more creative.  The latest scam involved hacking an existing YouTube channel and then running a FAKE live stream of Brian Armstrong wit...

COVID19 and 5G - is there a connection?

1 Apr 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

There is a lot of talk about 5G network poisoning humans and killing some while the governments all over the world orchestrate it as 'COVID19'.  Of course, we cannot either confirm or deny this claim, we thought it was at least interesting for argume...

Binance to buy CoinMarketCap for $400 Million

31 Mar 2020 1 minute read 0 comments

Binance is about to purchase CoinMarketCap for a whopping $400 Million.  This will give incredible exposure to Binance in front of crypto consumers.  Coinmarketcap is undoubtedly the go-to place for most crypto veterans and newbies alike, and owning...

Toilet Paper Token is here - wipe before its gone!

31 Mar 2020 1 minute read 7 comments

CoinmarketCap has started its April Fool's day prank a day early!   If you login to CMC today, you will see Toilet Paper Token (TPT) is already out of stock but has $85 Billion market cap.                 CoinmarketCap Blog goes into a serious explan...

Microsoft files for a cryptocurrency patent that will use your body activity to mine

28 Mar 2020 1 minute read 14 comments

Keep up with your steps, you might earn crypto.   If someone from the crypto community said that line - we would have written them off as 'pie in the sky', however, Microsoft has filed for a patent that literally wants to utilize human body activity...

Here is what to expect in the next few months on Coronavirus

21 Mar 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

Coronavirus has the world in its grips. Two of my friends who are doctors have been sharing some scary shit about how 'inadequate' US medical supplies are for the care-providers and how doctors and nurses are particularly exposed to the threat. A gov...