Bitcoinz News
Bitcoinz News

Bitcoinz News

Important news updates from CNBC, Forbes, CCN, Reliable YouTube channels, and more - all in one place with my views added.

Someone leaked Teeka Tiwari's 5 picks to $5 million recommendations and why it is bad for business

20 Mar 2020 1 minute read 3 comments

Someone just leaked Teeka Tiwari's 5 coins to $5 million picks.  You can easily search for this on YouTube.  We are not going to share it here and propagate the theft that this (these) individual(s) has committed. Here is why we personally think its...

US issues stricter rules to curb Coronavirus

16 Mar 2020 1 minute read 6 comments

NOTE: We generally cover blockchain/bitcoin/cryptocurrency related news.  These are unprecedented times with whole world trying to deal with Coronavirus.  As such, we are sharing updates related to coronavirus (whether or not they impact crypto direc...

Bitcoin price jumps as Federal Reserve slashes rates to 0% and increases Quantitative Easing

15 Mar 2020 1 minute read 0 comments

Federal Reserve has just announced that it is cutting the interest rates to near 0 and launches a $700 Billion Quantitative Easing program.  While everyone is expecting this to bring some relief to market when it opens on Monday, Cypto market reacted...

How long will this Coronavirus sell off continue?

14 Mar 2020 2 minute read 2 comments

What you are about to read is an opinion.  Not an advice of any kind. Let's be clear here - this sell off is not entirely driven by the Coronavirus scare.  It was triggered by the Plus Token scammers trying to dump the 'stolen' bitcoin into the marke...

Get ready for a market recovery today

10 Mar 2020 1 minute read 0 comments

Since our speculations are coming to fruition - here is a quick one for you:   In our opinion, markets should go into a slow recovery phase today and panic should wither down. Same thing for Bitcoin - we might see $8200 on Bitcoin. A full recovery is...

Bloomberg confirms what we said a week ago about Facebook's Libra

10 Mar 2020 1 minute read 6 comments

We wrote an article on Facebook last week titled: Facebook's Libra is alive and kicking: Libra & Tagomi In that article, this is the paragraph we wrote: "We could actually see a Digital Dollar that will then be pegged to Facebook's Libra coin in the...

Ignoring bitcoin is ignoring an opportunity with potential of 48x

7 Mar 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

"It is likely that crypto assets such as bitcoin will emerge as their own asset class and thus, have the potential to develop into an interesting investment and diversification instrument. Bitcoin itself could over time assume a similar role as gold....

Don't get screwed by Amazon's Audible!

5 Mar 2020 1 minute read 0 comments

Disclaimer: What follows is a personal opinion.Disclaimer 2: What follows is a non-Crypto related piece.  I think it is useful to those who use Amazon's Audible. First of all, I used to believe that MORE number of books you read the better you are. H...

Nothing's too sacred for Crypto; not even CoronaVirus crisis - CoronaCoin launches amidst dismay

5 Mar 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

A new token launched based on world's population that promises to burn its supply based on world's coronavirus infections.  As of this writing, the project called CoronaCoin, has burned 92000 tokens representing 92000 confirmed cases of coronavirus a...

Supreme Court of India lifts ban on Cryptocurrency Trading

4 Mar 2020 1 minute read 2 comments

A news crypto community can celebrate...Supreme Court of India has lifted the ban on Cryptocurrency trading in India. This opens doors to second most populated nation in the world to enter into crypto.  Many exchanges had shut down since the ban in A...