Bitcoinz News
Bitcoinz News

Bitcoinz News

Important news updates from CNBC, Forbes, CCN, Reliable YouTube channels, and more - all in one place with my views added.

Crypto markets gravitation towards fake news is hurting, and it can be changed

15 Jul 2019 1 minute read 0 comments

Crypto market has been a ripe ground for scammers to manipulate at will.   Crypto News space is particularly susceptible to news that promotes FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) or FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Both extremes when it comes to investing. The t...

Why news media is like Waze prompts when it comes to bitcoin?

12 Jul 2019 1 minute read 2 comments

If you have ever used Waze navigation app, you know that it keeps prompting alerts about things that any driver with even few decent driving hours would not give a flying fun about! For example, waze will prompt about vehicles stopped on the shoulder...

Mr. Trump tweets on Bitcoin and Libra, and it is quite uninformed

12 Jul 2019 1 minute read 0 comments

If Mr. Trump is known for something then it is use of media and hype to his advantage.  Whether you like him or not, he has a knack to go against the media tide so that the whole world takes a notice.  His take was no different when he commented on B...

Cardano updates from the July Newsletter

12 Jul 2019 1 minute read 0 comments

Cardano does a relatively decent job in keeping its community updated.  Although its progress, right from the ICO till now is snail paced, it is not surprising given the breadth that Cardano is looking to cover. Here are the highlights from the Carda...