#Thirsty Thursday

#Thirsty Thursday

Every Thursday i will go over a drink and review it , The range will be any kinda drink, Water, Soda, different booze, the possibilities are endless. Will one day merge with another blog i creating however until then the i am keeping the food and drinks thing separate. BE on the LOOK out for when i do merge those to blogs together.Will have an Adult warning if i am reviewing Adult beverages

#ThirstyThursday 8/25/2022

27 Aug 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

Todays drink of choice was the popular Flaming hot mountain dew. I have tried it i feel the "adervertising is a little misleading though, its NOT flamming hot. The drink is a tiny bit "spicier" then regular mountain dew, but Nothing to write home abo...

#ThirstyThursday 8/11/2022

12 Aug 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

Hi veiewers guess what today is its Thirsty Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Todays drink of choice is Orange crush. Orange Crush is a wonderfully sweet surgery soda drink. Here is a look at the basic stats of the sugary drink * a direct stat page from t...

#ThirstyThursday 7/28/2022

29 Jul 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

Hello viewers  guesses what today is its  #ThristyTursday. Today mixed drink (NO acholic version ) is brought to you by 3 different ingredients. Today version of the mixed drink includes. * tiny can of sprit ( wanted to add another can, but thats all...

Thirsty Thursday (6) eggnog *possible adult beverage warning*

4 Dec 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

    *POSSIBLE ADULT BEVERAGE WARNING* Hey guys today is Thirsty Thursday. Today i wanted to talk about a tradional holiday drink that a lot of people (myself included) drink during the holidays. *(EGGNOG) Eggnog is one of those drinks that you either...

Thirsty Thursday (5) cranberry juice

27 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

  Hey guys guess what today is, its Thanksgiving. Today i wanted to talk about a very classic holiday drink (Cranberry juice). Every since i was little i would have some cranberry  juice around the holidays weather i would want it or not. Cranberry j...

Thirsty Thursday (4) Good and gather sparkling water

20 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

    Hey guys gusse what today is. That is right today is #Thirsty Thursday  and today's drink is brought to by Good and gather sparkling water. (Tropical cherry one). Given my horrible eating habits i decided to try out some alternatives to water, an...

Thirsty Thursday (3) Pepsi

13 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

   Hey guys gusse what today is? It is Thirsty thursday, and todays drink is brought  to you by Pepsi. Pepsi is one of those drinks that has been around for ages. (brief history). Growing up i was spoiled and i used to drink a "pepsi" product ever da...

Thirsty Thursday (2) lunazul tequila

5 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

  * topic on an ADULT beverage  *        Hey guys guess what today is. Thirsty Thursday (2). Today i will be talking a little bit about my favorite tequila brand Lunazul. Lunazul is known (personal option) as a mid priced tequila brand. What that mea...

Thirsty Thursday (1) Mountain dew

29 Oct 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Fred flinstone

  Guess what today is ? (Thursday) For those of you who are not aware i am trying a new blogging series called thirty Thursday. Every Thursday i write a small snip it about a drink (ranging from alcoholic to NON alcoholic and every thing in between)...