#ThirstyThursday 7/28/2022

By Fred flinstone | #Thirsty Thursday | 29 Jul 2022

Hello viewers  guesses what today is its  #ThristyTursday. Today mixed drink (NO acholic version ) is brought to you by 3 different ingredients. Today version of the mixed drink includes.

* tiny can of sprit ( wanted to add another can, but thats all i had on had on hand)

* moderate "splash" of  minute maid fruit punch

* less of a "splash" of simply limeade


stir with any available utensil  "spoon, fork or what  you have on hand"

 There you have it  a well crafted mixed drink.  Don't forget to pour yourself another large glass of water to go along with really sugar Filled beverage and have a wonderful Weekend!!!!!!   Also don't forget to vote the Taco Tuesday blog (what taco bell taco is better). The poll will available  until the next taco Tuesday Post. The winning item will be mentioned in the next taco Tuesday article.





* Sorry about posting this article a day a late. (we are all human), also when i tend to make this kinda drink i tend a giant food droppers worth of tequila to spice up the drink, but today i made it bozze free. SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR THE CRAPPY thumbnail image will replace later with a more "professional" look image of a cup.  Publish OX wont let me post without an image of some kind



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#Thirsty Thursday
#Thirsty Thursday

Every Thursday i will go over a drink and review it , The range will be any kinda drink, Water, Soda, different booze, the possibilities are endless. Will one day merge with another blog i creating however until then the i am keeping the food and drinks thing separate. BE on the LOOK out for when i do merge those to blogs together.Will have an Adult warning if i am reviewing Adult beverages

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