generic cranberry juice bottle

Thirsty Thursday (5) cranberry juice

By Fred flinstone | #Thirsty Thursday | 27 Nov 2020

  Hey guys guess what today is, its Thanksgiving. Today i wanted to talk about a very classic holiday drink (Cranberry juice). Every since i was little i would have some cranberry  juice around the holidays weather i would want it or not. Cranberry juice has been a staple with my family for many years now. Surprisingly this year its not on our list,*(2020 has been a strange year); However my favorite holiday drink is still on the menu (mountain dew ( my article)). Instead of a traditional glass of wine or other holiday drink i have a tiny mountain dew bottle poured into a whine glass.


Final thoughts and feelings - cranberry juice is "ok". There is nothing special about other then its a "seasonal" item. Like always i have fun links in paragraph below. Dont forgot to like and subscribe and like always have a wonderful holiday weekend.



(mountain dew link ( my article))

*look up cranberry juice cocktails on google  the recipe for drinks are not mine

(cranberry juice bar fight scene) scene  *warning violent scene, yet funny given the context of the movie as a whole, its a mafia movie and a guy is being made fun of for drinking cranberry juice.









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#Thirsty Thursday
#Thirsty Thursday

Every Thursday i will go over a drink and review it , The range will be any kinda drink, Water, Soda, different booze, the possibilities are endless. Will one day merge with another blog i creating however until then the i am keeping the food and drinks thing separate. BE on the LOOK out for when i do merge those to blogs together.Will have an Adult warning if i am reviewing Adult beverages

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