The Great Global Walkout

The Great Global Walkout

This morning, I watched Clif High's latest video on BitChute titled 'Be Uprising'. You've probably heard by now about the 'Great Awakening' occurring as people wake up to the big setup known as Covid19, along with the 'Great Resignation' where many people, including myself, quit their jobs in the last year or two, to try and go it alone, fed up with corporate wokeism, among other reasons. Now, there's a new term making the rounds and you should know about it.

It's called the 'Great Global Walkout'. High explains some of this in detail. It's not about walking away from everything. It's not like that at all. It's about the cash in your pocket and using it daily so as to avoid control and data mining over how you spend your money, where, when with the use of debit and credit cards. This is actually the brainchild of Catherine Austin Fitts, who runs Solaris Advisors. She has stated that central banks are moving to ban cash and introduce a digital currency. In doing so, they can track your every move, every transaction, where and when. Not only that, if you step out of line in any way, they'll be able to turn off access to your money with a click of a mouse. Doesn't sound too pleasant to me and it shouldn't to you either.

High states that every time you withdraw cash from your bank account, it's like slashing their wrists because the bank then loses control over your money. Every time you use cash, they will have no idea where and when you shopped and just as importantly, what you bought. It's really none of their business!

Sure, you can earn points such as AirMiles using your credit card but in doing so, you're giving up some of your privacy. The credit card companies then take all your information and sell it to third parties. They are making a killing in the process and in case you haven't noticed (although you probably have), inflation has been eating away at your AirMiles just as it has with your personal wealth.

Sure, using a credit card might come in handy for large purchases but for everyday items, is it really necessary to use your debit or credit card? In fact, I went to mail a package at the post office the other day and in conversation with the nice lady on the other side of the counter serving me, I offered to pay with cash and she told me that I 'wouldn't believe how many times people use their debit / credit cards for the purchase of a single stamp'!

By the way, you know you're paying a fee every time you use your debit card right? Why make things more expensive when you don't have to. It's time to get rid of the middle man, the banker, whose been skimming off the top ever since the introduction of debit / credit cards. Everything is getting more expensive with the rise in inflation. It should be in your utmost interest to cut costs. Using cash is the first step.

Reintroduce cash into your life and start paying with cash. Never mind those 'free points'. Nothing is free as the old adage goes. You got those free points because you chose to give up some of your privacy to some very large corporations whose only purpose is to make as much profit as possible and have zero care in how it affects you.

Clif High and Catherine Austin Fitts are correct. Join the Great Global Walkout and start using cash for everyday purchases and choke off those nasty bankers and corporations. They have no business knowing your grocery list or what you bought at the diner for lunch on any particular day or seeing how many times you bought a case a beer in a month or year. They have no business knowing how, when and where you spend your cash and that's how it should be.

Remember, Cash is KING! Bitcoin is Supreme!

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Name's Joe and I live in Ontario, Canada. I like writing on a wide variety of topics. I enjoy keeping track of markets, investing and commodities and the crypto sector. Also do some coding for web browsers.

The Brave New World
The Brave New World

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