Statera (consisting of the STA and wSTA tokens) is a smart contract powered Pioneering Indexed Deflationary Ecosystem operating on the Ethereum and Fantom Network, which synergizes with a trustless and community-driven portfolio of class-leading cryptocurrencies.
Every trade for Statera creates arbitrage opportunities, which results in volume rippling across the entire Statera ecosystem, resulting in higher fees paid to liquidity providers. This is called Volume Farming.
Deflation. Statera's contract is designed so that for every transaction, 1% of the amount transacted is permanently destroyed, increasing positive price pressure.
Arbitrage. The composability of STA and wSTA allow for considerably more arbitrage opportunities, driving volume across the ecosystem.
Portfolio. By indexing a significant portion of tokens to a suite of blue chip cryptocurrencies, the market itself can drive price action.
Statera (STA) is the principal digital asset, which forms the cornerstone of our entire ecosystem. Through its deflationary mechanism it increases positive price pressure, and reduces volatility. Every time Statera has an on-chain transaction, 1% of transferred assets are permanently removed from circulation. STA has been natively bridged to the Fantom network, meaning that STA can only be minted when bridged from Ethereum, and continues to deflate with every transaction.
Wrapped Statera (wSTA) can only be minted by wrapping our native Statera token. The conversion process will always generate 99 wSTA from every 100 STA after deflation. wSTA can be safely implemented on third-party protocols (such as Balancer) while still retaining the ecosystem’s deflation through the STA token. Wrapped Statera can also be unminted at any time, returning STA to the holder.
The tokens on both the Fantom and Ethereum Network's can be stored by using Metamask. Here's how to set up Metamask for use on the Fantom Network. Then, use and interact with STA and WSTA tokens from your Metamask by adding them as custom tokens via these contracts:
Intrepid cryptonauts, we LOVE YOU!!! and we love everlasting crypto ( bitcoin, like viruses, rats, cockroaches and humans, WILL survive world war x to the nth power lol! But don't get excited, we luv the funnies, truth, justice, and the Brooklyn way...
Dearest crypto lovers we love you!! & only want to BE with y'all here on the magic algo of the ever-expanding crypto universe that IS the Publish0x!! What do we all really get done otherwise?? Thank you for your service in the great Overton window...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ᒃ♪♬⋌༼ •̀ ⌂ •́ ༽⋋♬♪ᒃ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi there! I recently joined Publish0x and so I'm new to this whole receiving tips for my articles. When I started, I thought there were 3 possible cryptos one could get from...
Hey, I'm here again! Yes, the crazy dude who writes stuff on the internet! Do not forget to follow all my advice if you want to lose your family because you have put the rent money in "coins that are worth cents but can be worth thousands of dollars...
Unless you have been AFK for some days no you probably have noticed the community update made by Igor that landed a few days ago. I thought we would take a look at one of the news that was in it. The return of Eth as tip. STA disappears and Eth emer...
Good afternoon Publish0x community! Welcome back in this new article of my “Easy & Short Cryptocurrencies Made Accessible” area. In this article we talk about more features of Statera! In the last E&S article I introduced you Statera (STA) and I said...
Hello Publish0x community and welcome back in this new article of my “Easy & Short Cryptocurrencies Made Accessible” area. With this article we are going to introduce the 41st cryptocurrency of this section with the 88th “E&S” article. Today we will...
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Big THANKS to all of you who participated in the Ambassador's Monthly Leaderboard Completion in May (and at any other time)! Here are the winners for the May 2022 Ambassador's contest! *Note: For the Leaderboards Contest, only users who you refer and...