
86 Articles 0 Followers

You Have a Miracle Power at your Fingertips

8 Oct 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Vytas │PurityStreak

Have you ever wondered how incredible little things are? How small things can add up and make a big difference in the world or in someone’s life? The most amazing part is that everyone has this power. It’s the power of writing. The ability which (in...

Crypto (Dent) is the future (e-sim, communication etc)

23 Aug 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Stat1c

DENT Coin cryptocurrency that promises to disrupt the world's mobile data industry. The Dentcoin company is called DENT Wireless Limited. The company's goal is to free up mobile data by allowing anyone to buy, sell and donate data across the Ethereu...

Love Languages

22 Aug 2020 1 minute read 1 comment luizbilang

Lately, I've been observing what topics I write more comfortable with and ended up with topics like this, trivial and beneficial in life. I hope you'll learn a lot~! Everyone of us have different personalities, different preferences and perceptions....

A Review of Online Meeting Platforms and a Surprise Winner!

30 Jul 2020 5 minute read 0 comments rah

Before Coronavirus effectively shut down the world I was able to split my week between two days homeworking and three days meeting clients face to face. This put me in the fortunate position of being able to transition to lockdown fairly easily as ci...

Dear Publish0x, I have a few suggestions. #1, direct user-to-user messaging.

15 Jul 2020 2 minute read 2 comments tipplenurkey

   At first, I intended to contact the operators of the site with these ideas directly, but I decided against it for a number of reasons.  First, I have yet to locate their contact information (although that may be because I haven't really looked for...

3 Ways to get the Most out of Toastmasters

26 Apr 2020 3 minute read 2 comments Jaemoney

Introduction Toastmasters is perhaps the greatest organisation on the face of the planet. I am consistently amazed at what this organisation does. Its goal has always been to help people become better communicators. After 95 years in existence it is...

What Does Empathy Mean To You?

18 Apr 2020 5 minute read 0 comments apizzle1593

I know this is a deviation from the COVID series, and the second part will up soon, but after a conversation over some beers with another medical student (don't worry, we socially distanced, I promise) I think this would be a fun topic to dive into....

Tech Giant Microsoft Files Patent For New Body-Heat Powered Cryptocurrency Mining System

28 Mar 2020 1 minute read 1 comment

The American multinational technology company Microsoft is planning on introducing a new cryptocurrency system which will let individuals use their body activity for mining cryptocurrencies. On March 26, the technology giant Microsoft filed a patent...

Positiv Effects of Covid- 19

26 Mar 2020 3 minute read 1 comment

This Post is translated by DeepL Translator. The original Version in German can be found here.   While we are inundated daily with new, mostly bad, news, the steadily increasing number of deaths in our southern neighboring countries or the daily incr...

Does This Biz Want You to Buzz Off? (aka 8 Reasons We Have a Failure to Communicate...)

6 Mar 2020 4 minute read 2 comments Real Well

Marketing communications is a tricky thing. It's complex. It's multi-layered. It can be subjective as h-e-double🏒. That said, IMHO this coupon that came in my weekly circular is a communication flop. What, exactly, is this ad conveying? (Besides $ o...