
86 Articles 0 Followers

Porn and Stigma: A Brief(less) Consideration

3 Apr 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Maximilian Brichta

From the viewer to the doer, porn is stigmatized. Given its abundance and presumably large audience, why does this remain so? Larry Gross highlights multiple unique dimensions of porn productions, from the concept stage to the VCR (read: laptop, toda...

Institute of Oratory as Practical Philosophy

3 Apr 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Maximilian Brichta

Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria is hard to define in terms of genre. It can be read as a justified curriculum for teaching oratory, a philosophy of education, or even a handbook on pedagogy in general. I contend that Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria...

The Spiral of Silence And Intellectual Politics

30 Mar 2021 3 minute read 0 comments Maximilian Brichta

        Noelle-Neumann's spiral theory starts with the assumption that social belonging is more important than the perceived ability to express one’s own judgment. A sense of fear or insecurity about one’s own capacity to make judgements can arise fr...

SpaceX: Preparing to Ramp Up Military Connection

13 Mar 2021 1 minute read 2 comments Cje95

Today it came out that SpaceX and the US military were ready to take their relationship to the next level. A huge development is that the United States Air Force is preparing to test linking military aircraft to the Starlink Constellation. This if it...

HAM Radio advice. Its the communication system WORKING for Texas thru this storm!

19 Feb 2021 1 minute read 2 comments LyonCoDad

I am studying for my Amateur Radio Technician Test tomorrow but have to take a break from reviewing or I will do more damage than good. Figured I would share a few resources I have found that are beneficial! First off, go grab a copy of Gordon's Book...

People going away from WhatsApp to other alternatives

10 Jan 2021 2 minute read 1 comment Bala

For the past one week, there have been lots of discussions going around about WhatsApp after the company updated their policy. There have been multiple views shared on this topic. The most important thing that has been a concern here is the privacy o...

The Weekly Summary - Learning Edition [Issue 33.2]

27 Nov 2020 1 minute read 20 comments tvlachak

Issue 33.2 / November 19, 2020 Learning “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill Digital learning success depends on great content design. Transition into actual learning by reflec...

Two Days Nothing Can be Done

3 Nov 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Sienzuf

This week is all about communication. There are all different types of communication. Non-Verbal Verbal Written Vibrational The way animals, insects and plants communicate will be unique as will be the way bacteria, atoms and even the planets and s...

Mercury Square Saturn

2 Nov 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Sienzuf

With Mercury currently retrograde and square to Saturn, it will be quite an interesting day. Retrogrades happen when Earth is passing or being passed by other planets. It reminds me of being on a stationary train, looking out the window and seeing an...

Communication Week

1 Nov 2020 1 minute read 1 comment Sienzuf

Interesting way for me to start the week and month. First thing in the morning I received a text from the Ledger company urgently requesting I click on their link and update a firmware update immediately or lose all my crypto, with my full name and i...