Antisocial Media

16 Articles 0 Followers

Doctor Doom Toots as He Pleases! So does the Snark

16 Jun 2024 1 minute read 2 comments Great White Snark

Seeing as Twitter has now become X and I can't log in (due to some conflict with JavaScript usage or a CORS issue causing a conflict with Firefox or one of the addons/plugins I'm using), I've decided to abandon Twitter (which now redirects to

TIL: Since I have a Hive address, I also have a D.Buzz account

23 Aug 2023 2 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

TIL: Since I've got a Hive address and wallet (which, frankly, has gone unused for years), I've also got a D.Buzz account about which I previously knew nothing. I guess I've found a Web3 replacement for Twatter, without even meaning to. (I do like Ma...

Thread.Join()?: No, I will not be joining Threads (nor the Metaverse nor InstaHarm, on which it is built)

12 Jul 2023 2 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

To be honest, when I first heard of/saw mention of Threads, I was confused. That's because I immediately thought of multi-threading in programming, particularly Java. However, I quickly learned that it's supposedly "the next Twatter-killer that's goi...

Come On, Feel the Noise App

26 Mar 2023 1 minute read 2 comments Great White Snark

Quite frankly, I'm not sure that I do, any more (and I do know why). Given that Simon (the site's owner and lead developer) has stopped responding to messages and mentions, as well as stopped posting about the progress and ETAs of further development...

Just Another Week in the Life of The Snark

27 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

Just once, I happened to open a tab for Noise in the wrong container. Now, every time I open it in the correct container, I get prompted to confirm I'm sure I don't want to open it in the incorrect one. Yes, I'm sure. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done...

Approximately 190 of Antisocial Media's Best Insults and Snarky Responses

20 Feb 2023 14 minute read 2 comments Great White Snark

These have been collated from various groups on a number of antisocial media sites, of which I was a member until fairly recently. (At time of writing, I've got five days to go until my last remaining account ceases to exist.) I'm a little sad to be...

Why Idealists Need to Stop Whining About Repeatedly Having their Content Stolen from Antisocial Media Sites

12 Feb 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

People do the same stupid shit, over and over again, don't learn from it and are then shocked and outraged when they come short. It's both frustrating and pathetic. "Regardless of your political leaning, the distinguishing feature of idealism is tha...

Really, How Bad is Andrew Tate (and His TikTok Army of Toxic Tater Tots)?

7 Feb 2023 4 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

Objectively, Andrew Tate isn't physically repulsive (despite the fact I think he looks like the illegitimate lovechild of a billiard ball and a llama), but he is a very ugly man. Here's why, in a horrific and depressing way: [Content Warning: Misogyn...

Antisocial Media Algorithms are Built to Kill You

5 Feb 2023 7 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

Content/Trigger Warning: Suicide/Suicidal Ideation Towards the tail end of 2022, a court found two social networks (Instagram and Pinterest) directly responsible for the death of one of their users. A coroner testified that these two sites contribu...

When Women Incels (Known as Honey Badgers or "Pick Me" Girls) Write Antisocial Media Profiles ...

9 Jan 2023 2 minute read 0 comments Great White Snark

Warning: Inflammatory, pejorative and vulgar language ensues. My comments are in square brackets, [like this]. I'm a proud and angry masculist. [There's no such thing; "Masculist" is not a word. The word you want is "Masculinist", but it's still nons...