Vigilante 8 2nd Offense Gameplay 07-01

By Solominer | Solominer | 1 Jul 2020


Playing an old vehicle combat based game, its alot like Twisted Metal but has its own personality to the game. This is the second game in the Vigilante 8 series, both of them are great so I may go back and play the original as well. I try out the beekeeper coyote. And complete the objectives of destroying the ski lodges. I get my ass kicked and end up running to try to find some wrenches for my health.

Using the special weapon it releases a hive of bees and attacks a near by vehicle. Its not a very good special I think and kind of regretted driving this vehicle after awhile. Though I want to play through the game and unlock the other players. If I get tired of it I can always use cheat codes. So I collect mortars and missiles and try to take them out at a range. I just seem to lose more health quicker than the enemies im fighting. Eventually I get some luck and make ram an enemy vehicle until they blow up.

I get to the top of the mountain and try to use the ski lift but its destroyed. Shooting off a rocket I set up an avalanche and get taken out.. haha

Trying out the Utah level again I give it another try. I get some good shots off right at the start and jump on the ski lift. I take out of the cars pretty quickly but then struggle to take out the final truck. Not a big fan of this vehicle maybe next map it will do better. But for right now trying to beat the levels with this car so I can get something better eventually. At least its a pretty fun map with the winter games options for the ski jump, and other events. You can earn special weapons by winning them though im not very good at it.. haha, but a few of them are pretty easy.

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