Introduces Liquidity Provision and Yield Farming Feature DeFi Swap

By Abhimanyu Krishnan | News | 14 Sep 2020 launched a new yield farming focused feature called DeFi Swap on September 11. The feature is closely tied to the CRO token and aims to provide users with the best possible rates.

  • DeFi Swap will let users swap and farm DeFi tokens and provide liquidity to earn triple yield
  • As incentive, 14 million CRO tokens have been allocated towards a rewards pool for the first 2 weeks 
  • Liquidity Providers (LPs) can stake CRO tokens to boost yield by up to 20x; LPs will also share 0.3% of the trading volume fee
  • Native ETH will need to be converted into Wrapped Ethere (WETH) before it can be used on DeFi Swap
  • DeFi Swap supports the following tokens: WETH, Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), Dai (DAI), Chainlink (LINK), Compound (COMP) and (CRO)
  • However, DeFi Swap will not be available in several countries, including the United States and Mainland China 
  •’s CRO token is currently ranked 9th on CoinMarketCap, with a market cap of $3.2 billion

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Abhimanyu Krishnan
Abhimanyu Krishnan

Technophile, cryptocurrency enthusiast and journalist.


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