Another day another small collection of GLINT burning a hole in my pocket. I decided to YOLO and buy some common cards with it.
So with that 987 Glint I can buy 6 Common Cards.
Let's see what I get then shall we?
1) Halaran Huntress
2) Nimbledook Explorer (Gold Foil)
3) Ujurak Elder
4) Tokatag Conscript
5) Mar Toren Trader
6) Ururak Brave
That Gold 'Nimbledook Explorer' is awesome and worth $2.10 but of course I gotta keep him because I just need the cards
I was able to finally level up my Halaran Huntress card to level 2 today which was nice! Not worth a ton $0.52 but still nice to get another levelled up card I guess.
Here are all of the Rebellion set cards that I own currently:
It's not a lot but its something and I am consistently adding to it so that is nice. Hopefully by the next expansion release I will have a decent amount were I won't just get crushed in every battle. What I do need though is to get some Rebellion Summoners. I am not sure if they are in the Draw packs you buy with Glint though.
I do have 3 delegated Summoners from my guild buddy PVM so that is nice but obviously he can't delegate them to me forever so I will need to pick some up myself at some point here soon.