Fitness: 15th January 2025 | Truth-o-Meter | Did You Know?


***10 reps of triceps every day for 365 days gives you 3650 reps in a year. What do you think that would do to your body? No matter how small, don’t ever underestimate the time for exercise. It all adds up.***



What Was I Up To?

The usual, the known, the mundane, the everyday thing… but….

It all adds up!!



I started with a Rosary and some asks/requests in the name of Jesus 😊. A little prayer as I finished with my Rosary.


Runs | Walks | Cardio

Today my focus went back to the trusted staircase. 😊. I must have done about six times up and down from the third floor. I will do more through the day.  


Weights | At Gym | Or Home

Today’s workout was at home, and I suspect that will continue for at least a couple of months.

  1. Arm curls for the biceps
  2. Hammer for the biceps
  3. Triceps
  4. Overhead press for the shoulders
  5. Farmers Walk


Body Weight Exercises | Calisthenics

  1. One set of squats


Energy Exercises | Ho’oponopono | EFT | Meditation | And more

Today, I did Ho’oponopono for five specific issues around God and financial stability. It took time but eventually I felt good.

For those who don’t know about Ho’oponopono, here is my write-up on Ho’oponopono for those interested in learning more.

What Is Ho'oponopono? | The Hawaiian Healing Technique


And That’s A Wrap!

This is my ***third day after a break and eighth day of exercise this year.*** I hope to keep it going for 365 days. What awesomeness that would be! 😊


Did You Know?

Staircase climbing is a sport.

Yes, you can check that on the internet where the contest is held in skyscrapers. There are many countries where these contests are held, with the obvious requirement of needing a skyscraper. 😊

Here is a video from back in 2013:


**Image Courtesy:** Geralt @Pixabay


Some Useful Sites to Give You More

Some of the good crypto-writing-earning sites:

Publish0x: Earn ETH || Bulbapp: Earn Bulb


Some crypto-faucets and jewelry earners:

Horizen: Earn ZEN || Mene: Earn $5 on signup || Earn Litecoin || Earn Bitcoin || Pi Network: Mine Pi on Mobile


Few Gaming-cum-earning sites

Splinterlands || NFTPanda


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Impressed with Wildlife | Amazed at their Adaptation | Happy to See From A Distance | Thumbs Up To The Animal Kingdom

Life, Health and Positive Thinking
Life, Health and Positive Thinking

Working on improving your life requires you to take a closer look. This blog is all about positive thinking and self-help.

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