How much Crypto you can earn on Publish0x per 20,000 views / in 2020 these are the results...

Hello family, how have you been?
I wish you have the best day of all, today I will show how much crypto you can earn by receiving 20,000 visits to your publications on Publish0x, they are only estimated earnings, you can earn even more crypto by 20,000 visits, or you can earn less for the same visits. It all depends on the content you post, since Tips increase when you post something that contributes to the community. Publish 0x is crypto-independent: Suggestions are currently in the Basic Attention Token (BAT), DAI StableCoin, and Loopring (LRC), and they are expected to add more ETH-ERC20s in a future update. As a user, you can tip 6 times a day. Other crypto blogging platforms work only with their own token and claim to be decentralized when the balance of power really rests with the founders and the largest holders of their own token.

Publish0x does not have its own currency and is crypto agnostic.
By tipping, both the author and the reader win. Suggestions are free to both author and reader, and come from the Publish0x rewards group.
Publish0x is not trying to become a social network. It is an open publishing platform for selecting approved authors. Publish0x's goal is quality content.


This is the total

20,680 views = $ 11.66 USD

6.6561 DAI ($ 6.78)
8.5258 BAT ($ 2.16)
28.2929 LRC ($ 2.72)

This Month (July)


DAI Stablecoin 1.9458 DAI ($ 1.98)
Basic Attention Token 2.5516 BAT ($ 0.65)
Loopring 5.8901 LRC ($ 0.57)





If you want to know what I will do with the total won, you can read it by clicking here in this publication here explain what I will do with the profits.

How much Crypto you can earn on Publish0x per 15,000 views / in 2020 these are the results...

Ok, an interesting fact to add to this publication is that in the Last 30 Days Publish0x Growth Stats. 746,153 tips given by 15,044 users. A total of $ 9,557.80 was tipped.


7,908 posts were published by 1,296 users. While 12,626 users joined the site. These users join the 122,508 total Lifetime registered users, with 69,894 published articles, across 8,819 blogs. 4,796,157 tips given, worth $ 96,686.87.




As you can see in the charts from April 2020 to the present day, the user registration has decreased, as well as the amount of tips in DAI, BAT, LRC and the number of posts created. So in my opinion if you want to start writing something you like this is the best time to do it. Before the next increase in users, tips and items created similar to what happened between December 2019 and February 2020






Thanks for reading, I wish you the best, have a great day or a great night🤗


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Crypto adict (Manu VZ)
Crypto adict (Manu VZ)

Hi analyze graphics, and make staking, im a adict crypto and Hodler. I try to keep my faith but I'm looking for more. Not luck just odds.

Welcome to the most persistent family
Welcome to the most persistent family

Welcome to the most persistent family of all Publish0x. ¡Because we were born ready, ready to be free!, we like to increase the odds not waiting for luck come to us.

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.