

Writing is my addiction!

Publish0x payment pending Zzzz

12 Jul 2019 1 minute read 5 comments Emad

I applied for a withdraw on DAI couple of days ago just to see how it works, as the first withdrawal. and I still get this pending payment message. My eth wallet address is on my Ledger Nano S and is working and active. any idea why this took so long...

Tax tax tax! they are coming!

11 Jul 2019 1 minute read 2 comments Emad

France decision to tax the giant technology corporates will lead Europe in to new Trade War stage. and I believe this can accelerate a new worldwide economy recession. This decision by France has approved despite US threats of retaliation. You may w...

Simple chart analysis approach, which wins a lot of times

10 Jul 2019 2 minute read 0 comments Emad

I have been trading since 2005, in stock exchanges, FOREX and recently Cryptocurrency markets. Each of the above markets have their own characteristics. For example, Stocks are very feasible to be fundamentally understood, Forex has big volume, non-s...

How your profile picture should look like?

8 Jul 2019 2 minute read 0 comments Emad

We are seeing dozens of profile pictures on social media, resumes, messaging apps etc everyday. Some are new people and some have changed their old ones. So we used to see these pics, but they are still catching your attention! When you see someone’s...

Chart patterns you should know them

7 Jul 2019 1 minute read 2 comments Emad

Knowing chart patterns helps you buy in and sell out in the right times. I don't encourage anyone to day trade, but even for medium to lung run holdings, entry point plays an important role. bears and bulls These are normal bullish and bearish signs...

Buy Bitcoin @ All Time Low price, right now!?

6 Jul 2019 1 minute read 4 comments Emad

I'm not kidding. I'm talking about human reliability and mistakes. People tend to overestimate their ability to maintain control when they are doing work. But there is a term which changes everything: STRESS! Stressful jobs like Stock trading, are al...

Why you MUST study French revolution?

5 Jul 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Emad

No I am not a fan of the famous quote "A people who do not know their history are fated to repeat it." I don't think history repeats, I don't think you can predict the future studying past, so... why I think you should study French revolution? I wil...

Nicki Minaj performs in the heart of Islam!

4 Jul 2019 1 minute read 1 comment Emad

"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun Oh my gosh, look at her butt Oh my gosh, look at her butt" Nicki Minaj, Anaconda song If you see this singing on MTV, may just change the channel! or maybe you...

Make money with your old blog post

1 Jul 2019 2 minute read 10 comments Emad

As a blogger since 2004, let me tell you what will be like a gold mine for you after some years of blogging: Your old posts! Right when you think they have done what they could do for you, you will understand you are wrong! they can do more, and I'm...

Crazy Bubbly Bitcoin...?

27 Jun 2019 1 minute read 3 comments Emad

crazy Bitcoin is performing another bubble? why we can't have stable growth instead of parabolic rise and sharp falls? Something is wrong with our mindset? or we have trapped in a speculation gamble? we won't find peace like this... like this I mean:...