

Writing is my addiction!

TradingView Financial platform and Application review

6 Aug 2019 2 minute read 2 comments Emad

TradingView is a financial platform for traders interested in stocks, forex (currency pairs), cryptos and commodities. It has also some social media/network facilities which let their clients share sentiments, trading ideas and hone trading skills to...

Children - Joy, responsibility or Sources of fear?!

5 Aug 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Emad

when you ARE a child, your sensations are very pure and simple. you love, you like or dislike, you fear, you get happy or mad or sad .... I want to talk about fears. when you fear from something, you probably have a source of fear, outside, and a tar...

The magic of the Middle-Class in an economy and society

4 Aug 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Emad

If you are graduated from some university working for someone, or you have a small business, or having a salary that fulfills your bills and rent and leaves a little for investing, I assume you are considered middle class.  In other way and more prec...

Business Model vs Business Plan and the Risk/Uncertainty

3 Aug 2019 1 minute read 1 comment Emad

A very famous angel investor once told me "I've never seen a bad business plan from fund seekers, but I've seen many bad and improper business models" And actually what matters to them, is business model! It's about how you do it instead of what you...

What is BAT Token recently added to Publish0x?

24 Jul 2019 1 minute read 7 comments Emad

If you have checked your Publish dashboard you probably have noticed a new comer: BAT Well, the first day I joined Publish being crypto agnostic was a special thing to me. This agnosticism makes this platform a surprise everyday. And this is our toda...

Don't be a Confirmation biased person

24 Jul 2019 1 minute read 0 comments Emad

The road to success in every aspect of life, takes many concerns and efforts. Whether in a relation or or in a business, you have to know the mental tricks your mind may play against you and unconsciously. Being a confirmation biased person is one of...

Lies people used to believe about MONEY!

23 Jul 2019 1 minute read 7 comments Emad

There are people who claim they don't want to be wealthy and there are certain people who don't need to be wealthy. If you are or can be among the second group, I don't challenge your decision and choice; it can be your lifestyle or philosophy. It's...

How Religions are still powerful among people?

19 Jul 2019 1 minute read 4 comments Emad

Why religions are still popular and strong among people living in 2019? how many people are still so influenced by them? Yuval N. Harari in his best selling  book, Homo Sapiens, has a point of view on this. Make it abstract, Harari thinks religions...

Bitcoin's next move, though I promised myself not to post predictions!

18 Jul 2019 1 minute read 1 comment Emad

Yes I made this promise to myself not to post predictions , I hate this word but I use it to show how I feel bad about it! I trade BTC and I HODL BTC, but it doesn't change the fact, when I post something like this, chart analysis, technical things,...

Investing.com app for Crypto Market review

14 Jul 2019 3 minute read 1 comment Emad

I remember a time, which whoever had an iPhone (and later other touch-base smartphones) was installing any app available in markets… let’s say insane! It was like users were interested in any app, developers offered. Obviously those days are over and...