Fortune publishes article about Bitcoin's energy pollution thingy, but oddly enough fails to mention their source in the unregistered free version

If you'd read this you might think it was some noble environmentalist or independent scientific researcher who just happened to take a closer look at Bitcoin. But if you take just 1 small step further, you immediately get your answers:



Yup, sure it's just a big coincidence, small oversight or innocent mistake Fortune didn't let the vast majority see a central banker co-wrote this and totally not done because they knew the majority of the readers just casually reads the first few lines and browses further after seeing a paywall. This is the equivalent of the Bush Admin. researching Saddam's suspected WMD sites, no matter how much or little they'd find, the outcome would always be



I think that pretty much says it all, nothing more to say about their pathetically transparent "Bitcoin pollution" claims that hasn't been said before, and regarding bankers, well....

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Geo-Political & Economical developments
Geo-Political & Economical developments

Things are almost never as they seem. If you sincerely think that world powers would spend their money and resources in order to just "help" citizens from foreign nations, you might want to ask yourself why they've been neglecting and out right murdering their own citizens for decades. What are their true motives for wanting to fund foreign (terror) groups, start global confrontations and wars? I'll let you in on a little secret; It has NOTHING to do with "human rights" nor "democracy".

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