Financial Times crypto news review for June 27th - no news, but the FT still manages to throw shade on crypto!!!

Cryptofans, we love ya!  Right down to your fingers and toes, every little cell of your awesome selves rising above the chains of fiat has waves of love coming in right now.  And we all love the mighty Publish0x, who IS going to be the best and biggest crypto content source of all time!! We love how crowdsourcing rules OK ( even tho nobody rules OK!!!) 

Today's FT has almost no crypto news, so we will be short and sweet.  One letter contained a reference to crypto, where the author included the destruction of crypto wealth as one of the ways that demand is being destroyed and should bring down inflation.  Which is funny since even though the FT has decided to ignore crypto, the fact remains that crypto is here to stay, and the FT can't even keep crypto out of the info coming in from the readers!!!!

Oh, there are other stories lamenting about inflation, which is really even sometimes openly admitting longing for hard money, which means the article IS about BTC cause even gold isn't hard anymore.  In recent news,  the past Fed minutes admit they decided to suppress gold, which they then did by having all the federal banks loan out their gold to produce 20-1 "paper" gold backed by very little of the real stuff.  But let's not go off on a rant about THAT right now.  And yes, there is a bunch of twaddle coming from the BIS, which is supposed to be more important than crypto, hah, give it time...

OK, so ignore us, and hope we go away, ya TradFi stalwarts!  But wait, our spidey sense is tingling... 

Within the last week or so, we thought there were no crypto stories in the FT one fine day. Then, we noticed in the "World Markets" table, the FT actually listed a couple of cryptos, BTC and ETH!  Wow, we thought, crypto IS on the front page, that's great!  Unfortunately our tiny mind got distracted by finally finding a story clearly about crypto, so our autistic thoughts ran to that shiny object.  Plus, we really were not sure - jeez, are we overreacting?  Has the FT been printing major crypto stats in the World Markets table all along, JUST LIKE THEY SHOULD!!?? 

We never saw them before, but then again we never read stock or other prices from a newspaper.  We worked in market data too long, ya can tell by our thousand yard stare and the belief beaten into us that if a price quote was a second slow, it was slow, time to upgrade CPUs, find network congestion, DO #$(&!#$(& SOMETHING  that's real-time systems analyst thinking.  And THAT was before we were involved in ultra low latency networking and trading, using custom chips and motherboards, and "walking the path " through routers and cross connects to search for and save milliseconds!! Forget all that, just hey, it never crosses our mind to  read market data from print.   

Well today, after falling all the way down to a random letter, we went back to the World Indices box, right back on the front page today, where they last printed crypto market data.  ONLY THIS TIME THE FT DID NOT print Btc and Eth.  Ya swine,  ya even left a little hole right there where they were, it was a deliberate decision, NO ONE designs a table to look like that!!  Musta been a last second ed decision likefd970bdb676f82fc0748b85acfe82463aa7662784bcbc7460966c842b4891555.png

B-stards.  Is this blatantly unfair?  well yes, given that BTC was there a week ago.  But let's be objective, we want PROOF!! 

What's an important stat, worthy of listing ?  Well, the German 2 yr, 10 yr, and 30 year fed bonds are right there ya?  hard to find stats quickly but let's give it the old wall street research flying shot. Here's a respectable looking German source below.   We quote:  "the Federal bonds are also the most important financing instruments for the federal government in the secondary market. At the end of 2021, a total of € 1008.5 bn in 7-, 10-, 15- and 30-year federal bonds will be outstanding."

OK, that's what, one trillion spread over 7, 10, 15 and 30 year bonds right?  Now we bet the krauts are conservative folks, and don't finance their world with short term debt, like we do, and that these represent the LARGEST bonds, since the good old deutsche-finanzagentur folks don't even bother to include the 2-year.  But take the best case argument for the FT's prejudiced, blatant bias- the CIty back of a fag pack analysis - we will say that the one trillion euros is spread out evenly over the 7, 10, 15 and 30 year bonds, that means each one has a market cap of only ~250 billion euros, right?  Our Gecko has reduced BTC still  towering ~150% larger than that.  We bet the 2 year has less market cap still, but let's be way overly generous and say the 2 yr has the same average total market cap as the (presumed mode average) of 250 billion euro.  That means the FT thinks that three instruments with less market cap than BTC are  important enough to list, but BTC is NOT!!   

Bad FT, bad nasty dog, nae biscuit!! 

FIVE FUs for that table.  If the FT had NEVER listed crypto, it would be only one or two FUs.   if it was not a deliberate (would be subtle if not so BADLY EXECUTED) regressive curbstomp on crypto from the FT after moving forward before!!! .  A sad day.  Oh, but the 2 year bund is an important market sign!! what, BTC is NOT?  Or perhaps the FT's readers rebelled at crypto befouling their beloved tables?  NOT LIKELY, cause the FT would have just LOVED to print THOSE letters!!! ROFL!!! 



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Dave Sawyer
Dave Sawyer

National Merit got this punk rocker to Oberlin, and Wall Street fintech gave up world tours and an NYU MBA. I am a Bitcoin true believer. Bitcoin is deeply revolutionary in a way we always prayed tech would be. Keep the baby Faith!

FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!
FT WATCH - the Financial Times on Crypto!!!

The WSJ turned into USA today - which leaves the FT at the top of the heap for serious financial news! Join us for a semi-serious monitoring of the FUD & hate the FT now showers on crypto. Dear readers know we love that pink newspaper but boy howdy does the FT despise crypto--- it's funny. The old guard always fights the new guard. The FT does it eruditely, with misleading comments, fun graphs, and outright lies (usually) attributed to crypto's greatest enemies!

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