Startpoint of this entry:
Todays opening tweet @xcelencia1
For me , getting 52 impressions in a 2 hours lap is a remarkable result!
Of course the use of #rtitbot is helping a lot to increase the reach of this tweet, as this retweet bot will retweet this to more then 19000 followers , see
Some GIF's apparently cause a lot of people in twitter to engage with a tweet that is showing it.
Therefore , I decided to do an experiment , using this same GIF as my static thumbnail image for this article.
My question is , will this article get traction on PublishOx or not?
Two possible outcomes:
- A lot of clickers in the title and correlative with it , negative thumbs down for the poor content of this article after clicking on the title and despreciating its content.
- Not a lot of clickers in the title .
Should this article get a positive response from some readers that not are annoyed too much , I plan doing other experiments in the future.
Update friday, may 27 2022:
See all the experiments in TheExperimentsSeries:
TheExperimentsSeries-part 5/2
TheExperimentsSeries-part 5/1
TheExperimentsSeries-part 4
TheExperimentsSeries-part 3
TheExperimentsSeries-part 2
TheExperimentsSeries-part 1