
DAOlationships: A Movement of DAO Relations

By Coach Viking | Sovereign Coach | 29 Dec 2021

DAOlationships is a play on relationships, and DAOplomat is a play on Diplomat.

Traditionally in corporate society, it's a dog-eat-dog world. We don't generally see corporations collaborating together on a large scale, or in much of a meaningful context a lot of the time.

It's every man and woman for themselves, the strongest survive and the most resilient win. We're often put in positions to borrow, beg and steal for vacations, family time, and other things within life which are meant to live.

The world doesn't have to be this way. We, as corporations and individuals, can come together and rally in support of each other. We can share in new-found levels of abundance, collaboration and growth.

That's really what DAOlationships is about at the end of the day; a collaborative movement of DAO's sharing talent, resources, projects, and what ever else brings them together for a common goal.

On The Macro Level: A Movement

On the macro (high) level DAOlationships is a movement. We are a group of closely-operating DAO's that have come together for various purposes. We run community and corporate events together, we work projects and share talent pools, we share resources where appropriate, and more.

Traditionally we don't see corporations operating in this capacity, let alone sharing and cross-pollinating their communities. Are there concerns? Yes
Primarily around time as a resource - there aren't enough contributors to go around, and burnout; working in 1 DAO can be enough to drain the most productive contributors.

While they are true to a degree - they're not totally true. People gravitate towards the people, causes and initiatives that they resonate with most. There may be dozens - if not hundreds of DAOs within the movement over time. And that's okay.

DAOplomats don't need to be engaged in all of them. Let them gravitate to the DAO's they're most called to. Take it a step further, accept it, welcome it. We are breaking unchartered territory after all. Embrace it and allow the manifestation of our creations.

These enhanced levels of collaboration and seamless work create a thriving economy which in turn extends outside of our immediate ecosystem. It bridges gaps, brand awareness, and gets us in front of a lot of contributors and ORGs that we may not have otherwise been able to get in front of.

Traditionally we have our niche and that's it. We have to market to our one or two audiences. Within a DAO, each of our contributors has their own styles, preferences, interests, and will gravitate towards what they want. This is amazing. It opens up our doors to new levels of awareness which we didn't necessarily get traditionally.

On the Micro Level: A Guild

Breaking it down a step further, DAOlatonships is also a guild within a DAO. These aren't exclusive of each other by any means. They're simply 2 sides of the same coin.

Whereas the movement is more DAO-to-DAO focused, as a guild it's more oriented towards community events (internally). Bringing potential DAOplomats into the DAO for exposure. Discovery calls to see what kind of synergy among the culture, values and mission there are. It gives us a great opportunity to get to know each other better.

On the guild level, it acts as a new age business development guild; we don't operate with web2 tactics, surveillance capitalism or data gathering. We strictly focus on building social capital through relationships. Through hosting and creating a space for peers to feel welcome and heard we can break through some of the barriers we all struggle with online.

Mainly being pseudoanon. It's hard to view each other as human beings when we're anonymous jpegs beside text on a screen. Creating avenues and spaces for us to show our personal sides goes a long way to increase collaboration as well.

While the guild coordinates and focuses on a specific DAO, going out within an outbound capacity constantly in search of new relationships to make new friends and reach new heights together is key.

There's only 1 way to rise; we rise together or not at all.

Through coming together as a united industry across web3; regardless of blockchain, creed, ecosystem, or anything else is the single most powerful thing we can do as DAO's.

Default living is corrupt, toxic and it needs to end. Together we can create a more open, transparent, and collaborative corporate collective.

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Coach Viking
Coach Viking

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