New Zabo Integration: Dogecoin

By Zabo | Zabo Updates | 16 Apr 2021

We’re excited to announce that Zabo now supports self custody Dogecoin wallets!

Dogecoin is an open source, peer-to-peer digital currency. Created in December 2013 as a playful alternative to Bitcoin, Dogecoin has since developed a large and independent community of enthusiasts.

Dogecoin openly accepts and supports its status as an internet meme. Despite being founded as a friendly, fun experiment, Dogecoin has become an asset of considerable value and ranks within the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Using Zabo you can now easily retrieve balances and transaction histories for DOGE accounts.

All this data is delivered in pre-formatted, standardized data via API.

Zabo’s Dogecoin integration joins 50+ other exchanges and wallet integrations supported by Zabo, all returning in the exact same format, saving countless engineering hours and resources for developers.

You can get free API keys and start building in our sandbox in less than 5 minutes.

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Zabo is an API for connecting cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets

Zabo Updates
Zabo Updates

Updates about Zabo - an API to easily connect any cryptocurrency exchange or wallet. Use Zabo to easily pull crypto account balances and transaction histories - all in the same format - into your app.

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