Full List of Tezos Partnerships (2020)

By list3r | WordStock | 16 Mar 2020

Tezos has been at the centre of some news headlines in the past. Though not quite as headline forming, the project is still pretty well known in the community and it has its set of investors. 

Just by taking a look at the partnerships that the project has formed, you can tell that they have a strong focus on building a community, ecosystem and educating as many as they can on blockchain development. Most of these partnerships have the end goal of development on Tezos - such as educational programmes and challenges. 

Other partnerships focus on tokenization of securities, mostly real estate. This is a pretty big trend, and the corresponding partnerships are nothing small, as you’ll see for yourself. If you want to see the full list of partnerships for others projects, like Chainlink, MakerDAO, Binance and VeChain (and others), check out my other posts.  

So here are Tezos’ partners.

List of Partnerships

  1. Tribe (Singapore Government) (Source)
  2. Graduate School of Information Communication, Konkuk University (Source)
  3. Globacap (Source)
  4. Banco BTG Pactual/Dalma Capital (Source)
  5. tZero/Alliance Investments (Source)
  6. Taurus Group (Source)
  7. TomoChain/MetaVerse DNA (Source)
  8. Andra Capital (Source)
  9. IMDEA Software Institute/Nomadic Labs  (Source)
  10. Korea University Blockchain Research Institute (Source)
  11. MOBI (Source)
  12. Mainframe (Source)
  13. Inria/Tarides/OCaml Labs (Source)
  14. b9Lab (Source)
  15. Kingsland (Source)
  16. Bonda Vinci (Source)
  17. Satoshi Treasure Hunt (Source)
  18. RF International (Source)
  19. Obsidian Systems (Source)

Detailed List of Partnerships

1. Tribe 

November 2019: Tezos Southeast Asia partners with Tribe, a blockchain ecosystem platform that is supported by the Singapore government. They are working on an official training programme for developers so that they can build real world applications on the Tezos blockchain. It is expected to launch sometime this quarter.

Tribe itself is composed of multiple entities, including Tribe Accelerator, OpenNodes, and a Blockchain Developer Academy. Working closely with governments, corporations and government industries, these entities together plan to bolster blockchain support and development in the country.

2. Graduate School of Information Communication, Konkuk University 

May 2019: Tezos Korea and the Graduate School of Information Communication, Konkuk University partner to create a Master’s degree blockchain course. Areas of study will include on-chain governance, consensus algorithm and smart contracts. Research and cooperation for future projects is also on the cards.

3. Globacap 



October 2019: Tezos and Globacap sign a strategic agreement to bring innovative solutions to Globacap’s capital markets automation platform. Both parties know their way with security tokens, with Tezos already issuing $1 billion worth of real estate securities on the blockchain, and Globacap issuing a equity-security token that is being monitored by UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Globacap’s automation platform for capital markets has a focus on democratizing investment and improving efficiency, which of course, blockchain technology excels at. For example, it removes barriers that may occur from geographic location and/or sector.

4. Banco BTG Pactual/Dalma Capital 



July 2019: Tezos partners with Banco BTG Pactual, Brazil’s fifth largest bank and Latin America’s largest investment bank, and Dalma Capital, a Dubai-based investment platform and accelerator. The partnership sees the 3 parties use the Tezos blockchain to launch Security Token Offerings (STOs) - which have been all the rage in recent times. Banco Pactual has a lot of hope for Tezos, saying that they see Tezos as “as one of the critical protocols for the burgeoning STO market.”

Banco Pactual offers services in banking, corporate lending, sales and trading, wealth management and asset management, with total assets worth over $35 billion. Dalma Capital is a global alternative investment platform with a focus on emerging investment strategies and markets. This includes blockchain technology, of course.

5. tZERO/Alliance Investments



October 2019: Tezos partners with tZERO and Alliance Investments to tokenize luxury real estate project River Plaza in the UK. This makes River Plaza the first real estate backed STO. It will be tokenized using tZERO’s technology and issued on the Tezos blockchain, which has become a hotbed for real estate STOs. This is the start of a huge real estate tokenization plan by Alliance Investments - they plan to tokenize $640 million worth of real estates.

Alliance Investments is a UK based property development company that is a part of the Property Alliance Group, managing a portfolio of over $1.5 billion. tZERO is a STO and capital markets platform that was created by Overstock, a prominent e-commerce company. With a focus on compliance, tZERO offers solutions to fund themselves via STOs, bring secondary liquidity and trading of tokenized assets.

6. Taurus Group 



February 2020: Tezos and the Taurus Group enter strategic cooperation with the intention of utilizing Tezos’ technology to expand Tezos’ ecosystem and “provide secure access to the Tezos blockchain to potential issuers of security tokens.” This means financial institutions will be able to store and transfer XTZ tokens. Multiple initiatives have been planned, with one stated goal being the enhancement of Taurus’ infrastructure by integrating with capital markets use cases and transactions based on the Tezos protocol.

Taurus Group provides infrastructure for capital markets, and provides such services as the issuance and trading of securities. Products include secure custody of assets and an institutional trading desk.

7. TomoChain/MetaVerse DNA 

February 2020: Tezos, Tomochain and MetaVerse DNA partner to teach blockchain and its fundamentals to Vietnamese students. The program, called TEK2Students, will be conducted at the INTEK Institute of Applied Technology in Ho Chi Minh City until September 30th, 2020.

8. Andra Capital 



January 2020: Tezos and San Francisco venture capital fund Andra Capital announce a partnership that will see the latter’s Silicon Valley Coin (SVC) launch on Tezos as an STO. The idea is to expand investment options for investors through the security token.

Andra Capital is a late stage tech growth fund that is tokenizing funds for investors.

9. IMDEA Software Institute/Nomadic Labs 



Tezos and IMDEA, along with Nomadic Labs, agree to collaborate to focus on multiple initiatives, including program analysis and safety verification, resource consumption and distributed consensus, among other things. Overall goals include increasing blockchain adoption, smart contract security and long-term development.

Located in Madrid, the IMDEA Software Institute is a research institute that collaborates with universities and funds PhDs.

10. Korea University Blockchain Research Institute 



December 2019: Tezos and the Korea University Blockchain Research Institute partner to develop Tezos smart contract research and a blockchain start-up incubation. The partnership will see formal verification of Tezos’ smart contracts, training and support for blockchain startups, and blockchain research and development for enterprises.

The Korea University is one of Asia’s top universities, featuring numerous colleges. It offers courses in various fields, and ranks as the 12th best Asian university in QS University Rankings.

11. MOBI 

February 2019: Tezos joins the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI), a consortium of automobile manufacturers, technology companies and DLT networks that are building solutions for the automobile and Internet of Things (IoT) industry.  The partnership will see Tezos and other MOBI members create standards for blockchain in mobility.

The Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) is an initiative by the leaders from the aforementioned industries that is focused on making mobility safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly and efficient. Members include Ford, Renault, BMW, IOTA and Bosch.

12. Mainframe 



December 2018: The Tezos Commons Foundation and Mainframe announce a partnership focused on developer growth. Three objectives have been listed: community building, DApp development and developer tools. The two parties are also expected to organize events around the world to that end. 

Tezos Commons is built by the community and carries out numerous activities to develop the Tezos community, including promotions, education and building local communities.

13. Inria/Tarides/OCaml Labs



May 2018: The Tezos Foundation announces separate partnerships with Inria and Tarides that will see deeper research collaboration with each of the latter two. Inria’s work includes cryptography and cybersecurity, distributed systems, research and development of the OCaml language, and formal verification and proofs. Tarides will focus on making participants establish nodes on the Tezos network more efficiently and securely.

Tezos has also partnered with OCaml Labs, supporting it by promoting its usage and development.

Inria is a French research institution for mathematics and computer science, which is also the main developer behind OCaml, which is used by Tezos. Tarides is a Paris-based company that has created MirageOS, a library Operating System for network applications.

14. b9Lab 



November 2018: Tezos and b9Lab partner to create a Tezos training programme centered around Tezos’ technology. Courses include a “Tezos 101” and a developer-specific course. These courses are already available for you to check out. They include certification and actual project development.

B9Lab is a multi-faceted blockchain education company that provides an online academy, as well as advisory and talent services. It has over 13,000 students in 125 countries.

15. Kingsland 



November 2018: The Tezos Foundation and the Kingsland School of Blockchain announce an education-focused partnership to “realize industry and training growth goals.” This includes collaborating with Tezos mainnet developers to build a blockchain development curriculum centered around Tezos. 

The Kingsland School of Blockchain is a part of Kingsland University, and is the world’s first university to provide an accredited blockchain development.

16. Bonda Vinci 



August 2019: Tezos Korea and Bonda Vinci, a blockchain arts and culture company, sign an agreement that will see the latter tokenize art and real estate on the Tezos blockchain. It plans to offer regional and foreign investors a variety of assets to invest in.

Bonda Vinci is an arts and culture group that is looking to leverage blockchain tech. It has organized art exhibitions and plans to use its own digital currency to offer a range of services.

17. Satoshi Treasure 



August 2019: Tezos partners with Satoshi’s Treasure to launch a treasure hunt called the Tezos Satoshi Treasure Hunt, a multiplayer game where players can solve puzzles and be rewarded in up to 1 million XTZ. Like so many of the other partnerships on this list, this is about developer training and technical ability. This particular hunt is heavily focused on technical problem solving.

18. RF International



November 2019: Tezos Southeast Asia and RF International partner to “jointly explore areas within which the Tezos technology can form the bedrock of secure transactions in Digital Assets and Tokenization.” The focus will be on the financial services industry and the securing of transactions.

Based in Singapore, RF International Holdings is a global financial group that provides services in digital assets, investment management, private equity and more. They are keen on incubating innovating financial platforms.

19. Obsidian Systems 



March 2018: Tezos and Obsidian Systems partner with the agenda being that the latter will develop software solutions to make participation in Tezos’ baking process (securing the network) easier. 

Obsidian Systems is a software company that has developed solutions for numerous companies, including Fortune 500 companies. 

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