TREVOR'S DAILY CRYPTO POLLS - March 16th, 2024 πŸ€πŸ€β˜˜οΈβ˜˜οΈ

By TrevorBalthrop | Trevor Balthrop | 16 Mar 2024

Helloooooooooo out there in the world of Crypto!

My name is Trevor and today the flash giveaway has ended!

The goal for the Polls are to gather more insight into "Sentimental Analysis" behind the markets.

So thank you for joining us in this new experiment and hopefully it suits everyone well πŸ‘

NEW POLL (today)


(2 days ago)

(3 days ago)

(4 days ago)

(5 days ago)

(6 days ago)

(7 days ago)

Vote using the X Tweets above! πŸ‘†

Polls last for 7 days each!

One new Poll will be added daily so be sure to check Publish0x and Twitter for the latest.

Don't miss out!

You can follow me here or on Twitter

My username isΒ @Redhead_cro

If you have any suggestions or just want to say "Hi" never hesitate to comment or join us in DiscordΒ 

I hope everyone has another BEAUTIFUL day in Crypto and I will see you again SOON! 😎

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Trevor Balthrop
Trevor Balthrop

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