Supporting Ourselves with Crypto

By Daniel Goldman | The B.C.U. Times | 20 Mar 2020

Even as the economy fumbles and tumbles, and people find themselves without work, there is a great deal that we can do. And crypto can help. And yet, I'm quite astonished by just how little interest people have in various projects that could provide at least some income for our daily activities. I am also disappointed by how little effort people are putting into making things better for themselves. Here are a few things that we can do to kill some time while enjoying our "#coronaviruslife" and potentially support ourselves and each other.

Download and Use Brave

This one is basic. Brave is a competitor to Chrome. It works just like Chrome, but with more privacy. And it allows is to get paid for viewing ads. We get paid in BAT. These tokens can then be donated to content creators. Brave is a Chromium based browser that funds our ability to tip the creators that create content  that we enjoy. Why anyone, especially an existing Chrome user, would refuse to download and use this fork of Chromium is beyond me!

Moreover, if you can find a referral link provided by an existing content creator, you can do a lot to support them. In tier one countries, a single referral (download, install, and use) will give the creator $7.50! In times like this, that "small" amount of money can be very useful. If you don't use Brave already, please try it out. Here's my referral link:

I would very much appreciate your support. 


Okay. This one should be a no brainer! publish0x is a platform that pays a user when they tip for articles that they like. Hello?! Don't really know much about this crypto stuff? Who cares! A lot of authors do, and you're supporting them. Moreover, as you get more comfortable with crypto, you have the ability to make some extra cash too. 

Again, there's a referral program:

Blockchain Games

What's better than playing games in your free time? How about getting some money back for playing them! While I don't think most people will get rich by playing these games, it's at least a really nice bonus, and if you work hard at it, you might be able to actually generate some revenue! There are so many games to choose from. Here's a short list.

There are plenty of others. Do a quick search and see which ones you like. Try not to spend too much on in game content at once though. The idea is to save money, not spend it!


Why? Seriously why would anyone use Instagram and give all their photos and art to Facebook, which then uses it to generate a profit while giving us nothing, when people could post on a platform like Belacam, and actually tip each other for quality work? While I've had some gripes about the way Belacam is being run, it has a lot of potential, and there's nothing to lose.

Referral link:

Further Reading

Saving and Making Money Using Referral Programs

There are so many different ways that we can promote services that we like, while generating revenue. There are so many different ways that we can leverage what is given to us to make more for ourselves and others. So why not take advantage of it?

Universal Basic Income is Usually Economic Insanity

I admit that there was a time when I was wholly opposed to UBI. But then I realized that the problems I had really wasn't with UBI, but rather the way it was supposed to be implemented. If we took it into our own hands, we could create an infrastructure for universal basic income, without ever having to wait for government to act!

Learn more about what's up with Belacam and BELA

I used to write for Belacam in a semi-official capacity. While I don't anymore, this article gives over a lot of the details on the nature of Belacam and the BELA token.

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Daniel Goldman
Daniel Goldman

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at

The B.C.U. Times
The B.C.U. Times

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