
83 Articles 0 Followers

What is the difference between "savings" and "investments"?

29 Jan 2021 6 minute read 8 comments SirGerardThe1st

A few days ago @Teodor, a colleague who writes here on Publish0x, suggested that I write an article explaining the difference between saving and investing. I liked the proposal, and so I decided to start this new blog that I call “SirGeradThe1st Grim...


23 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments LeiTrades

Strong independent women is what they say in this new era,  women nowadays can stand on their own and even be financially free. So what's holding you back? Is it your spending? Is it the long overdue for wants of newly release Louis Vuitton bag? Let...

Short term projects to build a passive income in 2021

9 Jan 2021 3 minute read 2 comments PierreL

Okay so, now that I've established my goal and where I'm starting from, it's time to dust off my old Trello board full of ideas and see what options I have to make this work and truly diversify my income. I will probably write separate posts about mo...

Increase your savings by saving the world

7 Jan 2021 10 minute read 1 comment PierreL

TL;DR To save the Earth and your cash at the same time, forget single-use items and think reusability! Think of it as an investment with short/mid term positive returns, as you buy something once that's a bit more expensive than usual, and use it for...

I put my money in my Pokket!

3 Jan 2021 1 minute read 0 comments CryptOptimist

So here it is... Pokket. This is what I have been using to store my crypto and make revenues. It is fairly new (less than two years) and does pay in the chosen cryptocurrency every week! It took a bit of playing around with it to be able to understan...

APR vs APY ---> what's the difference, explained softly

22 Dec 2020 5 minute read 2 comments Ariman

Who never got confused about the differences between APR and APY ? I want to explain you in this small post why the difference matters, in a simple mathematical way, because I do believe that everybody should be able to understand it. I'm a physicist...

When Small is cheap.

16 Dec 2020 2 minute read 2 comments Rajat G

When Small is cheap. I guess we all have perception that buying big packets against the small packets will save us the money and in reality it is almost true for majority of item when big pack/family pack are costing less for per gm/ml of the goods p...

Saving all little BTC that I can get

8 Dec 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Bala

A few months ago, I was a little hesitant to invest in BTC and was looking for the price to go below 5000 USD again. That was my intention. I thought I missed all the opportunities when the price was below 5000 USD and even 10000 USD for that matter....

If you selled your coins - 3 possible interim digitised investments

3 Nov 2020 3 minute read 4 comments Joergo

What to do with the profits? It's a pleasant question, rarely asked and not easy to answer. I want to reflect on following possibilities I'm thinking about: Further Crypto-Investment - Fiat-Savings at Crypto-Exchanges - Digitised Precious Metals. I.)...

Is crypto your savings or an investment?

29 Aug 2020 1 minute read 3 comments belemo

Crypto has been my mainstay for as long as I've known it and that's almost three years. In that period, I've learnt enough to know that nobody knows anything and we're all just speculating for moon season. That's not a bad thing to be honest,...