Future Watch : Crypto Markets Post Covid

By SBenbow | SBenbow | 11 Apr 2021

We have all been living with Covid across the world for more than a year now.

Luckily vaccines are being produced and distributed (slowly) throughout the world, and hopefully when you get offered one you will take it.  In the UK were are hoping that this will be by the end of June.


But as the world starts to get back to "normal" after Covid, what will happen to Crypto markets?

Why has Covid made a difference to Crypto?

Before Covid came along I don't think most people had heard of the term "furlough". 

There also were not as many people working from home, able to adapt their own hours to fit around home life and hobbies.

And as we haven't been able to go out and socialise as much we have been looking for other hobbies to do at home.

A combination of all of the above I believe has lead to more people "dipping their toes" into the world of Crypto.  And I am one of those.

Only with small amounts of money, understanding how it works, whether it is a long term investment or just a fad.  But it all adds up.

But what happens when people go back to "office / physical" work locations, and the job market starts to open up again?


Positive Changes?

As people go back to work, that means more cash flow in society.  More cash flow means the potential for more savings and investments.  And people who have spent the last year "playing" with Crypto may now invest more into the Crypto investments and savings portfolio's that they were previously just "dabbling" with.

This could either be larger, but less frequent, trades.  Or it could be those Crypto currencies that give you a good APY (APR) return.  Either way, it is good for the market as it stays bouyant and liquid.

As people become more social again, they will eventually talk to their friends, family, peers, acquaintences, etc about their dabblings in Crypto over the last year.  Who knows, this may mean more people start to invest?  At least it will become more mainstream and acceptable - Bitcoin isn't just for criminals after all !

Negative Changes?

People may have less "free" time - either due to their commute or environment at work - to check their stocks and trades regularly.  Five minutes an hour at home is just "downtime" from work - like getting a cup of coffee.  But would your boss think the same if you were checking your crypto stocks and trades on your work PC?

This might only mean a little bit fewer trades in the Crypto markets for a person over a day, week, or month, but if there are lots of people doing fewer trades it all soon adds up.  Almost the reverse of micro-blogging where lots of small tips slowly add up into something tangible.

Some of the spare "cash" you have at the end of the month that you invested into Crypto during Covid may now be spent in restuarants, travelling, outdoor hobbies, and so on.  This reduces your cash flow and means less savings and investment.  Again, a single person's reduction in saving may not be a lot, but compound this over many thousands of people and it may add up!



I don't really know the answer to this question, but it is something to think about as we start to come closer to "recovering from lockdowns" across the globe.  But hopefully this article has just made you think a little bit about it to see if it may affect you in the coming months / years.

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New to crypto and mining, but wanting to learn more about the market and how it works.


Hi, and thank you for reading my blog. I am a newbie at Crypto. Now that is out of the way I'd like to share what my goals are. They are very basic. 1) Understand what Crypto is and how it works 2) Understand how I can invest without being charged lots of fees to deposit, withdraw, or exchange currencies 3) Understand how volatile the market is, and whether it can be a good short or long term investment Hopefully my experiences will then be able to help other newbies understand more about Crypto!

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