
85 Articles 1 Followers

Aromatherapy. Why do you need aromadiagnostics?

12 Nov 2022 1 minute read 1 comment Ship Shard

The psychology of aroma is a very deep thing, interesting and informative.The video, in which Dinara succinctly and beautifully tells what aroma diagnostics is, invites everyone who is interested and needs it to go through it.

The first cup of coffee

6 Oct 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Alther

In the morning atmosphere, the usual thing to do when you are at home, of course, is to enjoy a cup of coffee. The first cup of coffee will definitely help refresh things for coffee addicts. Fragrant aroma, the level of bitterness that is adjusted ac...

Simple Super Food Lists (SFLs)

26 Jun 2022 1 minute read 19 comments I_g_o_r

This post is based on the fundamental work of Brian R. Clement -”Food is medicine”. He directed Hippocrates Health Institute for more than three decades and for more than four decades researched more than tens of thousands of clinical trials, scienti...

On Fiat, Fascism, & Freedom III

10 Jun 2022 8 minute read 0 comments clubby

On Medical Fascism: Mon(k)eypox Edition Now that the public is no longer terrified of the COVID-19 bio-weapon and "the bloom is off the rose" with the Ukraine debacle the elites have put a fresh form of terror on the front burner with their new "Monk...

A simple way to correctly interpret results of medical diagnostic tests or procedures

14 May 2022 6 minute read 2 comments I_g_o_r

In the previous posts we considered the topic of medical errors (see [1-8]). In many cases medical errors start from errors in medical diagnoses (see [7]).   “The death toll from health care screwups adds up to at least 500,000 Americans annually. Th...

A simple solution to some problems of modern medicine. Part III: the solution

8 May 2022 3 minute read 2 comments I_g_o_r

In the previous posts [1-2] we considered some important problems of modern medicine. In this post we consider a simple solution to three such problems: -the conceptual problem; -the side effect problem; -the information overload problem. A simple so...

A simple solution to some problems of modern medicine. Part II: other problems

30 Apr 2022 5 minute read 4 comments I_g_o_r

Side effects problem As was pointed out in the first part, a consequence of the conceptual problem in modern medicine is the side effect problem. Many people experience side effects from using drugs or medical treatments. About 170 millions of Americ...

How Microchips Will Change The Way We Live

27 Apr 2022 2 minute read 1 comment Yuon

When we look at how microchips have changed and shaped the way we live in this modern age, it’s hard to imagine the rate of change slowing anytime soon. Microchips are embedded into almost all of our day-to-day devices and household appliances, creat...

A simple solution to some problems of modern medicine. Part I: the conceptual problem

25 Apr 2022 2 minute read 1 comment I_g_o_r

The concept of modern medicine traces it’s origin from ancient times when alchemists were searching for an universal treatment from all medical conditions for all patients. The first concept in medicine, known to us, was a concept of the panacea. The...


3 Apr 2022 2 minute read 1 comment tripplea1

The advent of blockchain has led to the creation of different decentralized applications and protocols used in our daily lives, especially in finance. Blockchain as a decentralized ledger enables the storing of transactions between two parties withou...