No, Karen

The False Narrative of "The Trans Agenda Mutilating Children"

For those who don't know, most of the anti-trans legislation, AFAIK, is against puberty blockers (which are hormone-based, no mutilation involved). No medical treatment is a panacea, but gender reassignment surgery after puberty is more complicated and traumatic than allowing anyone who doesn't feel 100% in their own skin to explore their options (including going through puberty at a later point in time, if that's what they decide). If I was in that situation, I'd like to know the options and risks involved. But no, let's torture people by letting them endure gender dysphoria so that people who don't know or understand what it is they're protesting/prohibiting โ€” mostly with slogans and dog whistles, bien sรปr; non-existent gods forbid anyone forms their own educated opinion โ€” can falsely claim that giving people choices about their own bodies, genders and lives is "mutilating children" (and call anyone who supports that a "paedophile" to boot). How do I know this? Because I'm more likely to believe Natalie Wynn, a trans person, than I am to believe some cishet right-winger who makes an argument from ignorance and hatred of the unknown.

Anti-trans (and anti-LGBTQ+) bills don't stop there, however. They seek to deny human rights to trans people, everything from education and medical care to the fundamental right to exist and be recognised as a human being.

The people lobbying for and passing these bills are probably the same people who have their children's ears pierced or foreskins removed before they are old enough to decide for themselves, for purely aesthetic reasons. They're likely religious indoctrinators who marry off their underaged daughters to creepy older men, too. I'm fairly certain they see no hypocrisy in that. However, nobody's rushing to pass bills that prevent them from perpetrating child abuse (at least not in Texas or Utah).

So many so-called Christians forget that Jeshua ibn Marriam (if he even existed) was a social justice warrior (and also Jewish). He was kind and non-judgemental to the poor and sex workers. The same can't be said of them, which is why I'm with Nietzsche when it comes to his opinions /criticisms on the matter.

Insofar as trans people have an agenda, it's to go about their lives without fear of being harassed or discriminated against by bigoted titanic shitgibbons (as far as I can tell, anyway, having actually bothered to associate with some).

If you're a supporter of any one of these bills that discriminate against trans people or members of the wider LGBTQ+ community, then you're an abusive, idiotic and horrible person and you disgust me. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™„ Yes, I wrote what I wrote. Deal with it, snowflake.

The important thing to remember about right-wingers is that, ultimately, they don't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. As long as they get what they want (maintaining the status quo that favours them), they'll happily throw any marginalised and/or oppressed group under the bus. They are absolutely insane, swallowing the obvious lies of their own oppressors, stooging for the fucking elite, and trying to drag the rest of us down with them. They're abhorrent human beings who have sacrificed their cognitive functions and emotions for the chance to blame marginalized people for their existential despair, all of which is of their own making.

Thumbnail image: "No, Karen"

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Babylon Project
The Babylon Project

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