My sweet little old pooch in his bed, about three years ago

I Need to Pay for Cushing's Disease Medication for My Old Dog

The idea of The Babylon Project was originally to raise crypto/money to help other people in need. However, things have got somewhat personal.

Today, I learned that one of my dogs has Cushing's Disease, which means it will have to go onto a special diet and medication. That's about 1 500 banana bucks (~80 USD) a month I'll have to earn before I can even deal with my own bills and living expenses. I can't currently afford that, but not being able to pay to keep him alive and well isn't a valid reason to have him put down. Fuck! All of this while I'm still unemployed and my aged parents are caring for my dogs, nog al!

I'm hoping I find fixed employment soon, because my idea of hoping my crypto assets jump in value and I can cash them out just hit a major snag. The likelihood of them jumping 100% before month end is extremely slim. In the mean time, I might very well have to expand my freelancing/independent contractor activities to whatever I can find on Fiverr, Upwork and Nano Jobs, just to keep the wolf from the door.

That brings me to my next item of news: In searching for work, I found that Coin Market Cap is looking to fill quite a few positions in Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, the EU and the UK. If you live in one of those places and are interested in working for CMC, I suggest you head over to the "Careers" page stat!

I'm going back to job hunting. Snark out!

Thumbnail image: Photo of my pooch from at least three years ago

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

The Babylon Project
The Babylon Project

The Babylon Project (or Project Babylon) is born out of an idea of Great White Snark's, chiefly to amass a great amount of wealth (as does the Richest Man in Babylon, according to George Clason) in crypto (chiefly privacy coins). Just as the book dispenses financial advice, the project will redistribute crypto among those in dire need of it (particularly in places with totalitarian governments). Since The Snark already has three blogs on Pub0x, he has given me permission to set up this one as one of mine.

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