Do You Know We Are Guinea Pigs?

By Debesh Choudhury | Writing and Life | 30 May 2023

What are guinea pigs?

  • In an English dictionary, "guinea pig" means "a small animal covered in fur with rounded ears, short legs, and no tail, often kept as a pet by children."

"Guinea pig" also means "a person used in a scientific test, for example, to discover the effect of a drug on humans."

  • Humans have often been treated as "guinea pigs" with or without our consent.


Humans have been used for clinical trials of medicines!

  • Since time immemorial, humans have used their fellow beings to test many things on their physical bodies. The medicines which we buy and consume almost every day were tested on our forefathers in some way or the other.

  • First, nonhuman animals are used by the pharma industries for experimental runs of newly developed medicines. Then, they apply experimental medicines to human beings.

Under laws of human rights and ethics, all clinical trials of medicines MUST be carried on with consent from the people who are used as "guinea pigs."



Humans are being utilized for clinical trials of vaccines!

  • A large number of so-called vaccines were tested on humans for years.

  • In the past, experimental vaccines were pushed on humans without completing formal clinical trials.

  • In recent years, the new mRNA vaccines were pushed on global citizens under an "emergency use authorization" (EUA).

As per the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, MD, the clinical trials of mRNA vaccines would take at least ten years of a rigorous clinical trial.

  • It is sad that nobody can go to court against the side effects of the new mRNA vaccines because the vaxed people accepted the clause that they took the vaccines under the emergency use authorization (EUA) and at their own risk!

No organization or government can be held responsible due to vaccine injuries!


Measles and rubella vaccines are being enforced on school children without the consent of their parents!

  • Recently, I received a message from an Indian friend that measles and rubella vaccines were being enforced on school children.

  • My friend refused to accept those vaccines on his daughter, and the school's principal was almost forcing them by referring to a government-issued circular!

  • The government circular doesn't have any clause for forcing the vaccine on unconsented children, but the school authorities are forcing the parents!

Children died due to testing rubella vaccines in villages around Bhopal, India, in 2015-2016, which were carried out by the famous or infamous BMG Foundation!


Final thoughts

  • Are we concerned about our physical health?

Then, it is high time we MUST read the terms and conditions of the medicines and vaccines before exposing yourself to them.



About fifteen years ago, my brother-in-law had severe ankle pain. It might be due to a sudden strain while walking on uneven earth surfaces in the countryside.

When he consulted an orthopedic specialist in a renowned private hospital in Kolkata, India, he was advised to a surgery.

He went to another specialist outside the hospital system for a second piece of advice. The second specialist advised medicine (tablets) but not for the surgery.

My brother-in-law searched the Internet for that medicine (tablets) and found it was BANNED in the US for severe side effects!

My brother-in-law neither took medicine nor the surgery.

His ankle pain was cured with homeopathy in about a couple of months.

He is in perfect health and living now joyfully at 79.

Thank God he didn't go for surgery or take the tablets!

We must think and act logically before blindly accepting the advice of medical doctors! Their advice is often driven by unethical greed!



<> Originally published on ReadCash




Debesh Choudhury  (Unity at ReadCash).

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Unite and Empower Humanity.

May 30, 2023

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am a solution architect for Digital Identity, Data Privacy, Password & Cybersecurity, Distributed Ledgers, IoT, a researcher & academician of Electronics, Computer Eng. & IT, an Entrepreneur & Tech Blogger.

Writing and Life
Writing and Life

I write about blogging, vlogging, and Life.

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