
12 Articles 1 Followers

what the heck does mean. What is the subnet mask?

20 May 2023 1 minute read 0 comments logderman

After days of research to find the answer to a simple question, I finally figured out the purpose of a subnet mask. On a computer the host has an ip address usually or something similar ( which is the identifier for the router to...

Cent by cent in crypto

2 Feb 2023 1 minute read 0 comments Alther

To earn money in the crypto world, forget for a moment how to make money with large capital like traders or investors who usually play with large capital. If you say they succeeded, it's only natural because the accumulated value can be large based o...

Trading Spotlight - Cryptocurrency Mask ($MASK)

30 Nov 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Actitube

Today’s trading spotlight deals with the cryptocurrency Mask, which I covered in the past. You can see my older article on Mask via the following link:  Mask is still up...

Trading Spotlight - Cryptocurrency MASK

17 Nov 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Actitube

Today’s trading spotlight focuses on the cryptocurrency MASK, which saw big volatility and huge volume increase since about a month back. It rose from about $1 at the end of October all the way up to the high $5s at the start of November. This provid...

Mask the fact

7 Sep 2022 1 minute read 0 comments Alther

"Take off your mask first, let me see your face so I can see the beauty of a sincere smile from you". If only that was what was happening, it might be happy that feels flowering when you feel the condition of the condition like the sentence above. Bu...

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Wearing Mask

26 May 2022 2 minute read 0 comments shohana1

Source: canva Corona pandemic taught us a lots of things amongst all wearing mask is the most important one. There are many benefits of wearing mask. Its good for the safety as it helps us in many ways. Today my discussion topic will be mask and how...

MASK, QNT, and ICP -- The coins that doubled in value during Bitcoin's July gold rush

8 Aug 2021 2 minute read 0 comments simplyrangel

They say a rising tide raises all ships, but some cryptocurrencies seem to have the advantage when it comes Bitcoin's USD value jump over the past 30 days.  MASK, Quant, and Internet Computer coins each more than doubled their value relative to their...

Expect Coercive UBI. Part 2: All (Vaccinated) People Are Created Equal

29 Apr 2021 6 minute read 1 comment NOVAX

Read my previous post: Expect Coercive UBI. Part 1: The Culture of Authoritarianism   Part 2: All (Vaccinated) People Are Created Equal All people are created equal. So we can define all living souls as a part of mankind entitled to equal rights. Ma...

Floral Masks for Wedding Photography

22 Mar 2021 3 minute read 2 comments stevenvanelk

Had to run into the UPS store the other day and the lady working the counter told me I had a pretty mask. I was wearing a mask with a floral print at the time. She then asked if I lost mine and had to borrow my wife's. I told her I bought the mask fo...

Thoughts on Travelling Long-Distance on a Train with a Mask

13 Aug 2020 4 minute read 0 comments bengy

    Unsplash   So, I've just recently had the dubious pleasure of travelling about 10 hours on the high speed rail network in Europe. This being Coronavirus time, there are addition travel rules and restrictions in place over the summer. Thankfu...