To earn money in the crypto world, forget for a moment how to make money with large capital like traders or investors who usually play with large capital. If you say they succeeded, it's only natural because the accumulated value can be large based on the capital they spend.
Listen to the crypto hunters who do collect their results from crypto income which is very different from the existing financial rulers. Cent by cent collected from various forms of existing projects. Far, far away and it can be said that it is not feasible to strive for adequate income.
However, in reality there are more people who are in a position like this compared to the glamorization side which deserves to be said to be successful.
Income from scavenging fortune every time hoping that luck will come to him. Like chasing a dream that might not come true easily, however, hope is only the end of an existing business. Adequate or not still have to be lived because time rolls towards the future never wants to come back.
Even if it is said to be the main milestone of the existence of crypto in society, their presence is actually really needed. But for some reason it is often forgotten, forgotten, humiliated, set aside and even considered only as a mere stepping stone. It's like a sweet waste that has been thrown away.
Isn't the contradictory form of crypto hope presented. It turns out that the language of profit and wealth still dominates and masters the problems of wealthy conglomerates playing their role for mere profit. The project was completed, it was successfully abandoned, it was not successful, it was attempted again until success was achieved, then it was dumped again.
That's the actual condition of the present project. It's all the same, monopolizing and toying with. The saddest thing is that the coffers that they collect are unknowingly taken back and owned by those in power who are said to have the power of power and wealth. Again, the little people in front of them were just little people who wouldn't deserve to be someone on the same level as them.