Mario Party 10 Gameplay 06-12

By Solominer | Solominer | 12 Jun 2020


I went with Yoshi and she chose Rosalina. Last time we played during one of the mini games Lovely Logic played as Toad and could not reach coins in the game being too short. So she went with a taller player this time around. We chose Haunted Trail for our map and got to deciding order. Lovely Logic said she would rather have the previous method for choosing deciding order using dice blocks. As with Mario 10 Gameplay its more random, where with previous games you can have a better chance timing the dice throw. The first minigame we play is Soar to Score, where you fling your player and try to land on a higher number area. The 30 FPS of this game really shows when the player is spinning around.. haha

She does not do so well on this game, I fair better and win the mini game.

Lovely Logic gains a special dice block and we move onto another mini game. This one is a 1 vs 3 game where you try to drop mushrooms into moving buckets. At this point the emulation issues start to appear and the frame rate drops to 0. Maybe this level used alot of CPU and made OBS drop frames. Not really sure, but this does happen when I run games in emulation occasionally.

Once the minigame was over it was back to smooth gameplay. I rolled a four and moved over the +5 star spot on the map.

Lovely Logic rolls a 1, and gains a slow dice block. One of the best dice you can get. She got lucky as if she got anything over 1 she would have had Boo haunt her.

We got to go into the mushroom house and get some dice blocks. Then Mario landed on a 2-2 minigame, once the game picker started the game crashed. Made for enough gameplay to make a video, it usually does not work longer than 10-15 minutes. Maybe in a future update Cemu will be more stable with Mario Party 10.


LBRY Video Link

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