Should You Replace Rice With Cauliflower Rice?

By Jmehta87 | Save and Make Money | 7 Dec 2022

I should admit that I have my concerns about foods that claim to be something else. Though discovering new things was kind of crucial during the lockdown because other stuff wasn’t readily available. It was crucial to get what we could when we could. As "ordinary" rice was out of stock everywhere, I bought some frozen cauliflower rice at this time.

If you are unfamiliar with cauliflower rice, it is a low-carb alternative to conventional rice. It can be used in any dish that often calls for rice, including stir-fries and tacos. It's not that hard. It is simply cauliflower that has been minced or ground into granules the size of rice. then prepared. The frozen food I purchased is microwaveable, however it is somewhat expensive. You'll save money if you create it from scratch because it costs considerably less. Furthermore, it's a great method to stretch your food farther!

Cook it briefly in a little oil in a skillet, cover it, and let it steam for a few minutes. I'm done now. It ought to be soft and lovely. In all honesty, despite your frown at the idea, you can't even tell the difference! It's an excellent method to increase your intake of vegetables, and it cooks faster than regular rice.

You should eat cauliflower rice if you haven't before. Adjust the meat in your chili as well. Use purple cauliflower to add some fun to your meal; kids will enjoy it! As alternatives to rice, you can also use broccoli, carrots, sprouts, potatoes, squash, and beets. Delicious, nutritious, and incredibly simple to make!

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