Random Tech News
Random Tech News

Random Tech News

Catch all for everything technology related that doesn't fit into my other blogs.

Understanding the Hive Blockchain and it's Ecosystem

16 Nov 2021 2 minute read 12 comments TrocProcLock

It has been about a year since I dangled my feet in the Hive waters. When I first started out it was very confusing and people tried to help me but it just never clicked for me. Now that I am about a year in and have played various Hive blockchain ga...

Brave Browser releases Brave Talk (Zoom/Webex) for free

23 Sep 2021 3 minute read 18 comments TrocProcLock

It's just another day in the neighborhood.... oh WAIT no it isn't lol Brave Browser just released "Brave Talk". What is Brave Talk you may be asking yourself. Well do you know what Zoom is? Do you know what Webex is? Do you know what video conferenci...

Crypto + Mirror in unison? It's possible, let me show you how

22 Sep 2021 5 minute read 13 comments TrocProcLock

I started down this venture because it was something I wanted to do for about 3 years now. I saw a YouTube videos a LONG time ago about some guy making one of these. (Granted his was a LOT nicer than mine). It wasn't until I found an old Raspberry Pi...

What the new Tipping Coins for Publish0x should be!

18 Sep 2021 4 minute read 23 comments TrocProcLock

No Publish0x didn't release a new tipping coin. However I think I have cracked the case on a nice little feature Publish0x should add. Here me out on this one guys I think you will all like it. For those of us who have been around Publish0x for a whi...

Apple or Google - Which is better?

15 Sep 2021 8 minute read 17 comments TrocProcLock

Disclaimer: I am biased on this one. I work in IT and have for the past 10+ years. I work with computers and servers all day and have to update/repair them. I even worked in a Help Desk back in the day and built/re-built/modified computers all day. S...

Why I think BTC has a $100,000.00 ceiling - practically speaking that is

9 Sep 2021 2 minute read 4 comments TrocProcLock

We all love Bitcoin I get it. We all want Bitcoin to moon so we all get rich. I get it, I really do. But I started to wonder the other day what is the ceiling of Bitcoin? What is the highest price it could reach and still be a realistic cryptocurrenc...

The Reason why we all get CPU Error's on the WAX Blockchain!

5 Aug 2021 10 minute read 20 comments TrocProcLock

I had enough. I fell in love with WAX from the moment I saw her. She was new, she was shiny and she was doing all the right things. That honeymoon period lasted such a long time. Longer than I care to admit. I had friends yell and scream about WAX is...

The Beauty and Despair of Blockchains...

3 Aug 2021 6 minute read 17 comments TrocProcLock

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the world. The way it handles data is not like something we have seen before. It has created a $1.62 trillion dollar economy that is mostly unregulated. Guys, that is insanity. But with any new revenue source...

My Crypto Journey

26 Jul 2021 8 minute read 24 comments TrocProcLock

I started with Publish0x in January of 2020. The first month I was a reader and commenter only. Then I decided to start writing articles and get more into cryptocurrency. I have been on a wild ride and learn a whole lot of things along the way. I am...

#MyUplandCity Detroit, Michigan

2 Jul 2021 5 minute read 6 comments TrocProcLock

Publish0x and Upland are running a writing contest about what next city should be added into the game. Well lucky for me I was given an audio transcript of one of Upland’s employees recent trips to Detroit, Michigan. I have transcribed the audio for...