Publish0x Partners with #KuCoin for $AMPL and $ETH Withdrawals

By ITofPub0x | Publish0x Official Blog | 10 Mar 2021

UPDATE: Withdrawals of AMPL and ETH tokens you earn on Publish0x can now be withdrawn to KuCoin.


Here's a Guide on Withdrawing AMPL and ETH directly to KuCoin form Publish0x.


We've got big news to share; one that we've anxiously been sitting on for a few weeks...

As you know, we've been looking for a solution that will help us save on gas fees. We've been paying almost as much in gas as we have been sending crypto to you guys. We were hoping to use one of the layer 2 Ethereum solutions, but none of the current ones fit our needs - although some are close.

But, we need a more immediate solution before that happens. As just in February alone, we've paid 13.921739416 ETH in gas costs, which is not sustainable for us and we had to find an alternative.

And we found one!

COMING SOON! Publish0x Partners with KuCoin for Your ETH and AMPL Withdrawals!


While we aren't fully ready to enable withdrawals to KuCoin, we expect this to be possible by this time next week.


--> Set Up Your KuCoin account NOW, and be the first to withdraw Your AMPL and ETH from Publish0x to KuCoin! <--


IMPORTANT! For the first 2 weeks from the time KuCoin withdrawals are enabled, we will add a 10% bonus to all of your withdrawals from Publish0x to KuCoin!


NOTE: This is not ready now. Withdrawals to KuCoin will be available next week. With this post, we are giving you a heads up! There will be a separate page through which you will be able to request your withdrawal to KuCoin, and it will work a bit differently to how on-chain withdrawals work now. By requesting your payouts now, you will not get the 10% bonus.


That's right! For at least the first two weeks from the moment KuCoin withdrawals are enabled, we'll send an 10% bonus on top of your withdrawal amount, provided that you're withdrawing your crypto to KuCoin!

  • If you're withdrawing 10 AMPL, we'll send an extra 1 AMPL your way!
  • If you're withdrawing 0.01 ETH, we'll send an extra 0.001 ETH your way.


What If I've already requested a withdrawal on-chain? No problem. Write to [email protected] , and we will cancel your current withdrawal request, so that you can withdraw to KuCoin as soon as the option is ready.


--> Get your account with KuCoin set-up, and be ready to get your 10% bonus when withdrawing crypto from Publish0x! <--



What will this mean for your ETH and AMPL withdrawals?

  • Withdrawing AMPL and ETH to your KuCoin account will be possible each Monday!
  • Withdrawing AMPL and ETH to your KuCoin account will have a minimum withdrawal limit of $0.5 in AMPL and ETH, respectively.
  • For your first withdrawal to KuCoin, we will be adding 10% on top of the amount you're withdrawing. If you're withdrawing $1 worth of AMPL or ETH, we will send you $1.1 worth of AMPL and ETH, for the first 2 weeks once withdrawals to KuCoin are enabled.

Can I still withdraw ETH and AMPL On-Chain?

Yes, you will still be able to withdraw ETH and AMPL on-chain. But remember, we're doing this because we are paying huge gas fees. While it will still be possible to withdraw your crypto on-chain, it will be possible with the following conditions:

  • We will be paying out ETH and AMPL On-Chain once per month - near the first Monday of the month. Payouts might be a sent a few days later, when gas fees are more favorable.
  • The minimum withdrawal threshold for On-Chain payouts will be increased to $5 worth of both ETH and AMPL, and will stay at $2 for FARM.

What about FARM?

We will still be paying FARM tokens on-chain only.

  • We will be paying out FARM twice per month.
  • The minimum threshold to request a FARM withdrawal will remain at $2 in FARM.


--> Get Started With KuCoin NOW - Register HERE <--


Why KuCoin?


While we have been vocal about withdrawing your crypto exclusively to a wallet that you hold your keys for, we are left without options, and we believe that we've found a reliable, reputable partner that requires no KYC, up to a limit.

There are three main reasons why we chose KuCoin:

1. KuCoin is a well respected exchange.

2. KuCoin requires no KYC unless you trade or withdraw 5 BTC worth of crypto (unless there's suspicious activity with your account). Details about KYC on KuCoin can be read here.

3. You can withdraw both ETH and AMPL to KuCoin.


--> Get your account with KuCoin set-up, and be ready to get your 10% bonus when withdrawing crypto from Publish0x! <--


What Can You do With Your Crypto on KuCoin?

While there are withdrawal fees when you want to take your crypto off of KuCoin, on KuCoin you can store, stake via Pool-X (including soft staking), exchange your crypto, and even try your luck at guessing whether BTC is going up or down.

While there are withdrawal fees to withdrawing your crypto from KuCoin, you can chose tokens where the withdrawal fees are minimal. KuCoin withdrawal fees at the moment are, for few select coins:

  • 10 AMPL
  • 0.01 ETH
  • 0.0005 BTC
  • 1 ADA
  • 0.1 DOT
  • 0.01 BNB
  • 0.01 NANO
  • 0.1 XRP
  • 0.001 LTC
  • 0.0005 BCH
  • 40 DOGE


I'd appreciate your feedback regarding this update. Please leave it in the comments.

PS. You can sign up with KuCoin from here.



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