#BYDFiii Writing Contest and Giveaway - Winners Announced!

By ITofPub0x | Publish0x Contests | 3 May 2023

It's time to announce the winners of the #BYDFiii Contest and Giveaway, with $1,000 in USDT distributed!

Thank you to all of you who took part in this, whether via entering the writing part of the contest, the Twitter giveaway, or by supporting the contestants. :)



A Quick Note - How Are the Winners Paid?


As noted in the #BYDFiii Contest and Giveaway announcement post, the winners will need to pass KYC on BYDFi in order to claim the rewards. Publish0x will facilitate between the winners and BYDFi.

In case you win a prize in the Twitter contest and your usernames are different on Twitter and Publish0x, don't worry. In that case, we will simply send you a DM on Twitter asking your for your username on Publish0x, and then you will get the reward!

  • Publish0x has sent an email to all of the authors who have won an award based on their post, asking them to let us know their BYDFi User ID (UID).
  • Publish0x will send a Twitter DM to all of the users who have won an award based on their tweet, asking them to let us know their BYDFi User ID (UID).
  • BYDFi will then send the rewards to all of the users who have won them.


On to announce the winners!

1st Place: 5 Posts that Won 70 USDT Each (350 in USDT Total)!



2nd Place: 8 Posts that Won 40 USDT Each (320 in USDT Total)!


*This post has incorrectly stated that one user who has used AI to generate his post has won, instead of another. This is now changed. AI generated content is not allowed on Publish0x, in writing contests, or otherwise.


Additional Winners, Including 5 Lucky Winners With a Slightly Increased Reward: 14 Posts that Won 20 USDT Each (280 in USDT Total)!



10x Winners of the Twitter Giveaway - 5 USDT Rewards Each (50 in USDT Total)!



Thank YOU again to all of you who have taken part in this event in any way, and congratulations to the winners!

As a reminder,

BYDFi was officially launched on April 1st, 2020 and opened the cryptocurrency market under the name BitYard. It has been online for nearly three years. In response to changes in the encryption market, it was renamed BYDFi in January 2023. By allowing traders, copiers, project teams, media, and other communities to interact and communicate, BYDFi creates a trading environment ideal for both beginners and professionals. 

Why You Should Try BYDFi:

  • Forbes Recommended.
  • 400+ cryptocurrencies available.
  • 150x leverage.
  • 0.2 BTC daily withdrawal limit without KYC.

>> Register on BYDFi to Trade Crypto Today << 


PS. If you haven't tried BYDFi Exchange yet, you can register to BYDFi here.


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ITofPub0x Official Team Member

Publish0x Staff. Interested in Cryptos and Blockchain, Travel, Basketball and Hiking.

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