BYDFI SCOPED🔭👀 (Is the Anniversary really worth it???)


Well it’s BYDFi anniversary but is it worth the whole celebration 🤔.

What they won’t tell you about BYDFI🙈.

What actually started as a contract trading platform metamorphosed into a crypto trading platform although still under-rated😩.

Am not here to bore you with what you already know about BYDFI, so let’s skip the intros and talk about my BYDFI- past experiences 😎


Being  created in the year 2020, with  headquarters in Singapore, BYDFI was originally referred to as BItyard.

As a newbie in the cryptocurrency industry back in 2021, trading on Bityard was really difficult although the platform has a lot of complex functionality available, it was as if the whole feature were not properly integrated, I made losses with the spot trade because the stop loss feature wasn’t initiated in one of my trades then,

Login in at some points would require OTP which weren’t sent till hours later, I gave up using the App and the site.

Then of recent I started seeing BYDFI, the color seems like Bityards but I wasn’t sure not until the writing contest was announced.

I had to go to BYDFI site and log in, and to my surprise I found out that my account was still accessible and the whole platform has taken a new look.

There was great improvement I must say, the Platform didn’t just change the name from Bityrad to BYDFI, they improved on all aspect starting from the Spot trading, copy trading,  trading interface , withdrawal option, customer service, more trading pairs, etc.

I also found out that over the years that BYDFI has standout as one of the CEX out there that have survived the Bear market of 2022💪.

It’s indeed a 3yrs of growth and expansion, and I must commend the whole BYDFI team for the work put in place to make BYDFI an ongoing success👏.

The copy trading feature is one I must also comment on, it was really messy at first 3yrs ago but now I can recommend it to all because experienced traders are now on board🫡.

I also noticed a new feature “Inverse perpetual contracts” the concept is revolutionary and is aim at ensuring users make profit while trading.


In summary it was indeed a 3yrs of growth for BYDFI as a crypto trading platform, and am happy with the improvements and additional features on the site.

I must say it’s truly an anniversary that is worth it “HAPPY 3yrs ANNIVERSARY BYDFI am also hopeful that this positive changes will not stop until the whole globe is crypto-Educated and financially free,


NB: BYDFI mean  Build Your Dream Finance 


BYDFI UID: 556850661887983616

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