Online earning tips
Online earning tips

Online earning tips

A place where i will share some platforms for online earnings.And other stuff too.

New giveaway from Relictum pro

6 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments dqdof

Relictum pro has launched a new giveaway where if users join the telegram channel of relictum and write #join1 @AndreiBogdan ,you will receive 333 gtn tokens,as well as the one who told you about the airdrop.The rules are you can not invite the users...

Airdrops,tokens and other things

21 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments dqdof

A while ago i decided to join new airdrops,as i saw there was a lot of new projects that are giving tokens for free.But after doing so for a while ,i want to air some of my grievances.This is just an opinion,and yes i did so in the respective groups,...

Regulation is coming

2 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments dqdof

Reading some post here in this platform got me thinking.A lot of people are seeing conspiracies everywhere with no real proof whatsoever.Since everybody wants to be anonymus while sending coins and whatnot.Total anonymity i think can hardly ever be a...

How to make money using BEST tokens

13 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments dqdof

Bitpanda is a fintech based in Vienna, Austria and was founded in 2014 by Eric Demuth, Paul Klanschek and Christian Trummer. Bitpanda has 1 million users and more than 160 team members.Buy, sell or send Bitcoin, digitised gold and other digital asset...

What are crypto airdrops and how can you earn them?

11 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments dqdof

In the last years,more and more crypto coins and tokens have appeared every single day. But a project like that is only as good as his popularity most of the times. You can have the best coin or system,but if nobody knows your coin,you will not  have...