Making the Most of The Cointiply Chat Rain Pool

Hi everyone,


I wrote a piece about the Cointiply Chat Rain Pool a few weeks ago, detailing why, in my opinion, it's a "must do" if you are chasing free coins for minimal time investments. Soon after I praised the benefits of the Chat Rain Pool, I wrote about my Monday coins giveaways and got banned permanently from the chat from promoting my weekly donations. After over a week of pleading my cause with Cointiply, all is back in order and I can chat again.

In the meantime, I discovered more tips & tricks to optimize and maximize your earnings from the Rain Pools. Here is my additional suggestions to make the most of the Chat Rain Pool.



One Sentence Goes a Long Way

Only one sentence per pool is enough. No more, no less, just try it. These past few days, I actually tried that - just one sentence and wait. For about 9 hours I only alternated between these two sentences:

"Best of luck my friends today! Go after these surveys and boost your rain pool shares for the rest of the day (as long as you qualify)."
"Hi there fellow, best of luck with your earnings on Cointiply!"


I simply opened the chat, copied/pasted one sentence, made sure it was posted and left the chat. Done in 5 seconds. When I came back 5-10 minutes later to check, the light was green and I had a share of the pool. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for the light to turn green, but you don't have to wait in front of your screen. Post and leave works just fine.

if you are too close to the end of a pool however, you may not get a share before the rain drops, or your share may be 0.00% (you have a green light with your share stating 0.00%). In such cases, chatting more would not do anything. Just wait for the next pool.

Doing this is faster than claiming your faucet, can be done slightly more often, and can be way more profitable.


Offers Boost Your Shares For 24h

One thing is certain, the rain pool really only is worth it if you complete some other offers on Cointiply. All earnings coming from offers you completed on a given day will boost your share of every single pool of that day. Each Cointiply day resumes at 0:00 UTC. Depending on where you are on the globe, that reset time can be more or less convenient. Ideally, you would want to start your Cointiply day with as many offers/surveys as possible to maximize as many rain pools as possible.

Without completing any offer, your share will always end up being ~0.2% or less and you will likely only earn 5 to 10 coins. With ~10,000 coins worth of surveys done, you share is likely to be in the 1-2% range and you will collect on average 200-300 coins per pool. With a solid survey session, >20k coins, every rain pool will net you 400 coins or more. Surveys are what pays the best and therefore boost the size of your shares more effectively than anything else.

I'm usually able to complete several surveys in the evening, which correspond to the beginning of the Cointiply day in the US. The next morning, I'll be raking 400 coins per rain pool all day long. Sometimes, rain pools get incredibly large, with more than 50-100k coins in it. Having 2% of these pools is very profitable. I have scored several 1,000+ coins pools, as much as 2,600 coins for a single rain pool. On days that I can start with ~10-20k coins worth of surveys I have earned well over 10,000 coins just in chat rain pools.

Rinse and repeat every day.


Leveraging Your Other Offer Earnings

The Chat Rain Pool is THE perfect way to leverage earnings from offers and surveys. It's OK to go chat without doing much else on Cointiply and collect a few free coins. But if you earn a good chuck of coins via offers or surveys and you're not collecting rain pools, you are really missing out. In fact, you are leaving your own money on the table for someone else to grab.

My understanding is that every offer completed increase the size of the rain pool by a little bit, like an invisible tax. By participating the chat you have a way to claim your tax back.

As per my example above, which is typical, if I earn 20,000 coins from surveys I'll be able to claim back about 10,000 coins from the rain pools the next day. That's a 50% bonus!! But If don't put the effort in (an enormous 5 secs per pool) these 10,000 coins will be claimed by the other users.

In a way, it makes offers and surveys worth much more than their face value, if you take these extra seconds to claim it.


A Few Tips & Tricks

There's always some misconceptions or misunderstanding about how the Chat Rain Pool works. Let me try to clarify some of them here.


Your Level Has Nothing to Do With The Size of Your Share

I see this mentioned now and then in the chat. The level of a user has nothing to do with the share they will get, or that they have by default. I'm level 70 and if I don't do anything my share will be 0.05% when the rain comes and I will get 8 coins. A level 1 that just completed a bunch of surveys will get a 2% share a good load of coins.

The only indirect connection is that with higher levels you unlock more item slots through your Cointivity profile and you use these slots for boost items you will make more per offer/survey. In turn, if you earn more coins you will be eligible to bigger shares. Still, 20,000 coins earn by a level 1 or by a level 80 user will entitle the user to the same share of the rain pool.


Why Is The Size of Your Share Decreasing?

This is a normal, if not obvious, mechanism. The size of the pool is always 100%. It is then divided by the number of participants and the share of each participants is weighted by their previous involvement on the Cointiply (completing offers). If there was only 1 qualified user, their share would be 100%. As other Cointiply users get qualified for the rain pool, the share of each participant is adjusted. Hence, as more users qualify the share of each participant decreases. In fact, the size of your share can only decrease, until it rains.

If you are among the very first to qualify, you share may start really large, but it won't last. My share was once 40% at the very beginning of a new pool! It quickly settled to 5%, and I finished with a standard 1.5% anyway. The size to your share, as well as the number of qualified participants, automatically adjusts every minute or so. In any case, there's nothing you can do about that. Once you wrote your sentence, just go on with your business (unless you want to chat more) as there's nothing else to do to receive your coins.


Chatting More Doesn't Increase Your Share

For most of my recent rain pool coins, I only put my sentence and left. My shares were always about the same (it also depends on who qualified and by how much). From time to time I chat more, interact with other users, answers questions, etc... Doing that and staying on the chat for 15 minutes or more never increased at all my share in any meaningful way. 


Obviously, Don't Get Banned

Having said all of that, being banned from the chat is not something you want to happen. The rules are fairly strict - any disruption to a happy-cheesy chat (sorry to say that) will be met with a ban. It happened to me, twice indeed!

The very first time I chatted, I put my Publishi0x and twitter links. It got deleted and got banned for 360 minutes. Then I tried to promote my giveaway by simply tell to look me up on Twitter or google search my name. I didn't put any link but that was enough to get a permanent ban! It took me 2 weeks to plead my cause and get the ban lifted. I won't make any mistake again, too many free coins on the line!

Stay helpful and polite in all circumstances. To make it simple, just post your sentences and go, that won't hurt anyone and will insure a steady stream of coins.


Chatting on The Go

Chatting on the go is made very easy by the Cointiply mobile app. The app is well made and chat rain pool is very much part of that. From the menu in the top left corner, just click Chat & Earn. Easy peazy, just say something and collect you coins.



Thanks for reading and good luck with the Chat Rain Pool! It's well worth the effort.





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My ultimate guide for Cointiply - A Comprehensive Guide To Cointiply - All You Need To Know To Maximize Your Earnings
My review & guide for FireFaucet - Quick Starter Guide to FireFaucet
My review & guide for SatoshiHero - SatoshiHero - Another Faucet That Pays!

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