Cointiply Chat Rain Pool Weekly Giveaway

Hi there community!


You may or may not have read my recent article about the Cointiply Chat Rain Pool. If you haven't, or if you don't know about Cointiply, I would encourage you to join, and read my article. But either way, I'm becoming more and more a fan of the Chat Rain Pool and this gave me an idea.

I simply want to share the wealth and promote awareness of crypto and Cointiply. So I decided to start a weekly giveaway, starting this coming Monday (November, 16). [edit] Monday November, 23 will be the first giveaway day. I'll add the coins I could not give on Monday 16 [edit].


The Giveaway

The Concept is very simple: I'll be giving away Cointiply coins through the Chat Rain Pool EVERY WEEK. Your part? Just be there and take it!

The amount I'll be donating will be directly proportional to the number followers of my Twitter account + Publish0x account combined x 100. At time of writing, I have 20 + 25 followers, so I would give away 4,500 coins! I'll check and update that number just before donating each week. Just as a reminder, 10,000 coins = $1, which you can then withdraw as Bitcoin or Dogecoin.


I'll be giving the coins away every Monday at 2:00 PM GMT (UTC+0).


How Does It Work?

To be able to get a share of the weekly giveaway you only need a few things.

  • 1. You need a Cointiply account. In the remote chance that was not the case yet, you can use my referral ( to get started.


  • 2. Since I'll be giving away the coins through the Cointiply Chat Rain Pool, you’ll have to follow the Rain Pool rules to obtain a share of these coins. You’ll need to qualify for a share of the Rain Pool. You can qualify before or after the donation is made, but you’ll have to be in for the pool I give my coins away. With this system, everyone have a chance to have share of the donation, yes including the Cointiply users who where not aware of this. But let's spread the fun and the wealth! The more people follow my journey, the bigger the donation!


  • 3. Each week, the coin donation will happen at ~2:00 PM GMT (or UTC +0). That is 9:00 AM US East Coast; 6:00 AM US West Coast; 1:00 AM Sydney Australia; 11:00 PM Japan; and 7:30 PM Mumbai India.



Just going to throw this one out there too. If I win the Cointiply faucet Jackpot (1 in 999,999 chance) I'll give away half of the jackpot value. Giving my faucet claim rate, this can happen anytime within the next.... 27 years!


Spread the word, follow my journey to 1 Billion Satoshi and news/updates about crypto faucets, read my articles to learn more about this adventure, and earn free coins every week!




Thank you for reading and sharing.





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My ultimate guide for Cointiply - A Comprehensive Guide To Cointiply - All You Need To Know To Maximize Your Earnings
My review & guide for FireFaucet - Quick Starter Guide to FireFaucet
My review & guide for SatoshiHero - SatoshiHero - Another Faucet That Pays!

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Satcking Satoshi, one by one, until 1 billion! Twitter:

One Billion Satoshi
One Billion Satoshi

One Million Satoshi was just the first step, and it happened rather quickly. I'm raising the barre by a lot now, I'm going after one billion Satoshi, or 10 Bitcoin (!), by only collecting "free" Satoshi. Follow my journey as I share my experience, tips and tricks I learn along the way. How long will it take me until I stack One Billion Satoshi?

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