

a blog about nothing.

Brave Browser: The 7 Day Ads History and how to reset it.

28 Apr 2021 2 minute read 2 comments EpicSwag

Brave Browser's 7 day ads history contains all the ads that have been served to you within the last 7 days. It's a helpful link for you to go back to any ads that you may have missed or dismissed and it is found in your Rewards Settings page (brave:/...

Brave Browser: Enable Reader Mode

15 Jul 2020 1 minute read 1 comment EpicSwag

Brave has brought back a feature that is no longer in versions of Chrome... Reader Mode. Reader mode basically strips away the things that distract you from reading the actual article.   to enable reader mode in Brave Browser, TRADE CRYPTO in the U.S...

Brave Browser: Reinstall Brave Browser and Copy and Paste your old Profile Guide

12 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments EpicSwag

This is a short guide on how to move your old profile into a new clean install of Brave Browser.  This can solve some issues you may have with Brave crashes, as well as give back MOST of the data that you had before you reinstalled Brave.  TRADE CRYP...

Brave Browser: Tips to get Brave Rewards ads working on your computer.

8 Jul 2020 2 minute read 2 comments EpicSwag

Download Brave Browser!  If you haven't already, turn on the Brave Rewards by going to the triangle at the top of the browser, then to settings, and turn the slider onto the ON position. Some people may still have trouble receiving ads even when ever...

Brave Browser: The Brave Creator Account

7 Jul 2020 2 minute read 0 comments EpicSwag

Brave Creator account. The Brave Creator aka publisher account How to setup a Brave Creator Account Content Creation Channels Holding or withdrawing Referrals Download Brave Browser FAQ’s TRADE CRYPTO in the U.S. WITH VOYAGER  1. The...

Brave Browser: How to check which ads are being served in your area.

2 Jul 2020 1 minute read 1 comment EpicSwag

  Download Brave Browser If you are having trouble receiving ads or are curious about which ads could be displayed to you, check out this little trick to see what ads are being served to you.   1.  Enter the link into your address bar. Click or en...