DeFi Now Surpasses $6B in Total Value Locked

By Abhimanyu Krishnan | News | 17 Aug 2020

The DeFi market marked another milestone this month, crossing $6 billion in locked value on August 17. The space has seen the introduction of several new yield farming protocols, while other projects have been releasing new features and updates, besides other developments.

  • Total locked in value has more than doubled in 30 days from $2.51 billion to $6.28 billion
  • Maker (MKR) has the most funds locked in at $1.45 billion, followed by Aave (LEND) with $1.12 billion
  • The Chainlink (LINK) price surge has also contributed to the growth of the DeFi market, drawing more attention to the space
  • Investors have flocked to liquidity pools, with Ampleforth (AMPL) alone possessing a $34.7 million pool on Uniswap, the largest on the exchange
  • Set Protocol unveiled v2 of its platform, which brings a host of features
  • The arrival of liquidity mining and the listing of assets like COMP on exchanges like Binance and Coinbase have also draw more investors to DeFi

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Abhimanyu Krishnan
Abhimanyu Krishnan

Technophile, cryptocurrency enthusiast and journalist.


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