Chainlink Growth Pushes DeFi Market Cap to Over $10B

By Abhimanyu Krishnan | News | 10 Aug 2020

The Chainlink (LINK) token has been experiencing a significant price growth over the past few weeks, rising from $9.63 on August 6 to its current price of $13.67 (at the time of publishing). The price rally has contributed to an already rapidly growing market, with the DeFi market cap touching $11 billion on August 9 before settling below that mark.

  • Chainlink has risen 7.98% over the past 24 hours, with a total market cap of $4.7 billion
  • Next DeFi asset by market cap, Maker is valued at $619 million
  • Total value locked in DeFi has also spiked greatly, currently at $4.66 billion
  • LINK also overtook BTC with respect to trading volume on Coinbase on August 9

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Abhimanyu Krishnan
Abhimanyu Krishnan

Technophile, cryptocurrency enthusiast and journalist.


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