
A Spring Cheesecake!

By Duvinca | The world, the life & me | 1 May 2023

Hello! I was able to quickly make a little invention. Many times cooking bores me, I mean I do it because I like to eat well, but I don't have much patience, so I always think about how to make a recipe adding a bit of emotion, originality and creativity.

Because to be honest when you follow other people's recipes to the letter I never get the same, and in the end I get frustrated, so... why not invent my own? And also make it simple. The point is that the idea was to do something with strawberries, because it's the time, it's spring and because there are a lot of them. Every time I go to the outdoor market now I see strawberries everywhere, and with that aroma and that good view it's impossible to resist one of my favorite fruits, plus you get a lot of them for a very good price! And what to do? Well, what people would appreciate the most was a cake, right? And what is the easiest cake to make?

A cheesecake! I've been based on the original recipe, I think, but I've done it my way and included other things in it. So, since I like to name my creations, this will be a spring cheesecake.

Spring Cheesecake 🍓🍰

To do it, nothing complicated is needed, the typical ingredients:
Spreadable cream cheese (practically the entire tub), two eggs, a tablespoon of Greek yogurt (optional, but it is softer and easier to remove), sugar or sweetener (the one you use, I put erythritol, it can be stevia, panela , etc), two eggs, butter, vanilla aroma, a pinch of salt (I used Himalayan pink salt) and lemon juice (careful, not much). Oh, and the strawberries.

  • You have to wash and cut the strawberries into slices.

  • Then I put them on the base of a metal cake pan and brush them with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. And I already put it in the oven for about 10 minutes, so the strawberries would have a different touch.

  • Then I made the mix, putting and removing all the rest of the ingredients. And I put it in the mold (you have to pour it slowly) and from there in the oven for half an hour. You have to go looking just in case, that something golden and more solid looks like.

  • Then it is removed and I put other strawberries on top for decoration and I put melted butter on top of each strawberry again, and another five or ten minutes in the oven. What happens is that when you take it out of the oven, the strawberries and others with the different temperatures cracked a bit, but that's okay, it's normal, possibly because it contains eggs. It's still good.

And I think it was good, when I took it out of the mold the sides were a purple hue and everything was very soft, with a point not quite sweet but very yummy. Creamy delicious.

So although I think there are details to correct, the result was positive, especially in terms of taste and... we ate it all! 😋

Happy Monday and Happy May!

Thanks for reading! Have a delicious and good day.



The text is mine and the photos too ©Duvinca

I have also published this article on Hive (Ecency)

All these photos have been taken with my Samsung mobile.


I'M ALSO HERE: Noise App / Ecency(Hive) / Read.Cash Odysee 




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A learner of many things with a curious spirit. Thoughts, shots and nice flowers. And I try to write in English!

The world, the life & me
The world, the life & me

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