Another box was added to BetFury - CAKE BOX


What is Betfury?


BetFury is a gambling platform which shares its revenue to its users based on their participation in their provably fair games. Users earn BFG tokens by wagering various cryptocurrencies on their platform and in return the users get rewarded every day with a percentage from the current dividend pool. 

The BetFury team is celebrating its birthday until 10th November and so they have increased their faucet payout 3x for this period. 75 satoshi every 20 minutes.

You can also take a chance to turn your free claims into passive daily dividend earning. The site is totally legit and paying out daily. In order to start receiving dividends, user needs to have atleast 10 BFG BTC or BFG TRX tokens.


Since the birthday event started at 3rd of November, every day a new limited box is released.
Today they brought us CAKE BOX which has a cost of 0.00077000 BTC and earns 5% at monthly rate for 7 days, or 7% at monthly rate for 30 days.

It's a great way to earn some extra satoshis to keep that BFG token mining rolling or simply go for the profits to withdraw later.


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