Illustration by Ja.

From Art to Token

By Jandmade | Jandmade | 7 Jun 2020

The art market is one of the most powerful in the world and in the transition we are experiencing towards the new crypto world it undoubtedly has its importance and its place.

A very notable example has been the recent sale in cryptocurrency of Picasso's sketch "Belly dance before an impassive man"

One of the advantages of art is that there are multiple ways for it to become a token and the types of value it can represent. For example: in digital art, video games with a rising value and an increasingly high consumption on different crypto platforms. The classic and tangible art that can even be considered a refuge value by not devaluing over time (Paintings, jewelry, sculptures, classic cars ... etc). And even if it seems strange, concepts or artistic currents can establish a good value as a token since a concept can last longer than people and objects and when we acquire an altcoin or a token part of our trust deposits it based on its economic value. The other part involves believing in the project being proposed and supporting it with our confidence.

In my 30 years of experience in the art world, I consider that both cryptocurrencies and blockchain are highly compatible with art in practically all its variants, so it is necessary to be vigilant since throughout history art has always been adapted to technological evolution with amazing ease.

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I'm a professional illustrator. More than 30 year experience Based in Galicia


I am a professional illustrator with proven experience in different fields of plastic arts, creativity and design. Interested in art in the world of cryptocurrencyies.

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